
Intel vs AMD processors?? Help deciding!?

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I am looking at computers, and am trying to figure out the difference between Intel & AMD. I don't know if this is in my head or what, but I have always thought that Intel was better and faster. Is that true?? I want to know currently, which is better, faster, etc. Any differences on power saving??

Thanks!! If you have questions, please ask, and I will add details.

Also...this isn't part of the main question, but are HP computers any good? I've always thought they were "the best", until my friend said that they were more a mouse/keyboard/printer company. :)

Thanks! I do choose best answers!




  1. Intel Core 2 Duo processors are latest and best.

    AMD provides Dual Core Processors and are cheaper than Intel Core 2 Duo.

    I have been satisfactorily using AMD Turion for the past 1 year.

    But , if you are going for Dual Core processors(AMD or Intel) , you'll be losing on the Intel wireless architecture(provided by Core 2 Duo) which gives an edge on the performance.suggest you to go with Dell/HP.

    HP is the biggest brand as PC/laptop manufacturers. The other option is Dell. Lenovo and Acer comes next.I would

    All the best.

  2. Hey.

    Well, generally Intel is faster, cooler and more powerful than AMD, but because of that, it is much more expensive. AMD (which is my preference) is not as fast as Intel and runs hotter (shouldn't be a problem with adequate cooling) but it is much cheaper. As for powersaving, I would say that since AMD is not as powerful, it would use less power - generally.

    HP computers used to be considered one of the best, but the quality of their computers has fallen slightly. They are still good, but not like before.

  3. Intel processors tend to be better, but more expensive. AMD processors are cheaper, but are not as good.

    It depends on the processor, but they are approximately the same in power consumption.

    HP computers are very reliable. They are one of the very best.

  4. AMD for servers

    Intel for home users

  5. yes intel is the best

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