
Intelligent Design: Why is the human spinal cord 'designed' to be arched and not straight?

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You'd think this almighty god would have given us a more suitable cord huh?




  1. you need to read the Dover Decision summaries and see how Intelligent design was unmasked for the sham it is. Even ID's experts were having to admit that their irreducible complexity ploy was not working, and that even EVEN if evolution came to an irreducible design hard to explain by evolution ( hasn't happened yet much to IDers chagrin ) it would still NOT prove ID. The final conclusion of that trial was in agreement with the National Academy of SCiences, AAAS, and many, many other scientific venues ...ID ( a new tuxedo for creationsim ) is not science and thus has no , NO equity with a real scientific theory...

  2. What benefit would it be to us if we couldn't bend our backs?

  3. There are other design faults too. The blood supply in front of the retina, blocking out light. The appendix. Our contorted airways, because of our big brains. The contorted pathway that sperm travel. Tragically, the difficulties of childbirth (but then some people really believe that serves us right, because one of our ancestors stole a piece of fruit 6000 years ago).

    But you don't want to hear from me.  You want to hear what the supporters of intelligent design have to say for themselves, and so do I.

  4. Well this just shows your intelligence level. The spinal cord is curved to allow us to maintain balance better and support weight. It would be almost impossible to walk if your spine was completely straight. Im sure this "God" is smarter than you. Maybe you should get to know him better.

  5. dude that would suck for the girls in doggy style if the spine was straight

  6. maybe he knew that we'll all be slouching anyway from the stress of everyday life

  7. It's because we weren't 'designed' to stand upright... we evolved from a quadruped animal, and our spinal cord, and the attachments of our internal organs are better fitted for something that moves on all fours.

    Check out the website below.

  8. There are a few flaws in this question.

    First, the spinal cord is flexible.  It is neither arched nor straight.  It follows the curvature of the spinal column.  The spinal cord is flexible neuronal tissue.  The spinal column is bone and ligaments, and it does have a slight arch.

    Second, there is no a priori design to either the spinal column nor the spinal chord within it.  Both are the results of a half billion years of evolution by natural selection.

  9. For flexibility and movement... wah

  10. Because we started out on 4 paws not  2

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