
Intelligent minds needed ... ?

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I have an obsession with recycling; and feel the rest of the World, and all within it, would greatly benefit if more started to do the same. It's amazing how much of the 'collected waste' goes out in a recycle bin every week from my household!.. the wrapping from a candy bar,.. the cardboard roll that once had toilet paper on it... the list of recyclables goes on and on!.. And with this idea in my head, I realized how many Fast Food chains use paper/plastic and cardboard to hold in food and drinks. Why not make a law, yes a law (because that seems to be most individuals morale/judgement/commonsense) to have recycle bins for customers to put their trash into once finished?! Think about how trash bins are located around your town.. how many of them are for recyclable products? I can't think of ONE in my town! All of these threats about Global Warming, and all other Man Made problems is sick enough, but to not try and find relief and help correct what we as people have destroyed, is more




  1. the problem is you carnt recycle most packaging. boxes are an exception but anything with wax on it like those disposable cups is just too hard to recycle. where i live there are a few recycling bins in public places but most of them are only for aluminum and not for paper because of the reasons i pointed out before.

    if you want to make a difference getting councils to put recycling bins for aluminum in popular places would be the best start.

  2. There are some towns where it is required to recycle and you can be fined if you don't. Ashland, WI was one 12 years ago when I lived there. Maybe the best thing to do is to contact that town and see if they have any suggestions for you.

  3. I've often thought of these same ideas. Even a paper only recycle bin outside supermarkets where people just toss receipts. After reading some of the other answers I think the real answer is to teach the younger generations. Have volunteer programs, or possible school curriculum, where children are taught what and how to recycle, and the impact of not recycling. I think the big issue is that many adults are ignorant to recycling or feel it is a bother. If they knew they we making a difference in their children's lives it would hit closer to home.

  4. We don't need more laws, how many recycling cops will you hire.  When aluminum recycling first started, many places couldn't stop the people from putting garbage the the recycling bin.  Most places that couldn't figure out a way to keep garbage out gave up.  No one wants to fish out aluminum cans intermixed with dirty diapers.( This was the problem where I worked).  What we need is to convince people to recycle.  When I drop my garbage at the local dump I am appalled at the amount of recyclables thrown out.  And we have recycling at the dump, it couldn't be easier.  Some how we must convince people how much extra they are paying for not recycling.  If we raise the price of throw away garbage high enough, and don't charge for recycled materials.  Perhaps they will listen.

  5. The problem is that there are many people out there who have all kinds of obsessions. They all want the government to make their personal obsession the law of the land.

  6. I like the idea of recycling, but hate the idea of the government getting even MORE into our lives.  Jeez, they are already telling us what lightbulbs we can use for crying out loud!

    Global warming n***s would have us believe that global warming not only is a fact, but is caused by man's activities.    This has not been proven.  As far as I know, nobody has claimed the $1 million prize for providing proof that man has caused global warming.

    I have been hearing a lot lately that some climatologists are noticing that global snow cover is on the rise and are concerned that we aren't heading into global warming, but rather into global cooling, a much scarier proposition.

    I haven't looked into it too far as of yet..... so I'm taking sides as of this point.... just pointing out that whether we are having global warming or cooling is not a closed issue.  Neither is whether mankind has had any real impact.

    Best of luck.  It is nice to see such concerned and well-meaning folks.

  7. Start a movement. Having the Government do it for you is not the answer.   "An elephant is a mouse designed by the Government"

  8. I agree with you 100%, but we've gotten to be such a lazy inconsiderate society that we can't bother to recycle.  We've been recycling for almost twenty years, and it's amazing how much stuff we've recycled over those years

  9. Get on the city council or some board member for the city and scream your head off till you get your way. Better yet, run for Mayor

  10. You know, that's a good idea. You could just ask the owner if they don't mind a recycle bin left at their business and have it periodically picked up (by volunteers). I really think they won't mind.

    No, I'm not a global warming fan. It just isn't happening right now. But we still need to conserve natural resouces.

  11. Some of  your ideas sound good. Like the part about having bins everywhere they are needed. I can not think of one in all the town I live in. But making it a law to use them would be scary. Say someone forgets or doesn't know about that law and they have to go to jail. I have heard of such a thing happening. In a part of the country where they don't allow food to be put in the trash someone did and got into a lot of trouble for it. So much it hit the news or else I wouldn't know about it.

  12. The reality of what you propose would be an increase in illegal dumping, the closing of several restaurant chains, and the fining/imprisonment of many otherwise law-abiding citizens.  I'll pass.

  13. That's a good and noble thought.  However, realistically think about how much is dine in and how much is carry out or drive thru window service.  The law your basically looking for is to make all places like that to use biodegradable products instead of so much plastic and styrofoam.

  14. I think that's a wonderful idea! But an organized state-by-state system would work best, I think. So how does this work? We get a nicely written proposal with many, many signatures and send it to the senator? Get others to call in to support it... get the state to pass it. If only one state does it, maybe others would follow!

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