
Intense pain around my chest?

by  |  earlier

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every once and a while i get a bad sharp pain either around or under my right rib usually. But now I'm starting to get it like directly around my heart. & also above my b***s. I'm only 14 and i cant exactly tell my mom, well i can, but she wont care, she will only yell at me and say shut up you always complain nothing wrong go away. Yea.. sooo... i dont know if its anything to worry about but its been about a week now.

also like triggering this pain is from lifting things or putting my arms above my head or just laying down sometimes is when i get it most.




  1. take panadol

  2. Honey, you really need to talk with someone about this.  If not your mom then someone else in your family who will listen to you.  Can you ask your mom if you can see your family dr. for a you need one for anything for school?  It's too bad you can't talk to your mom and be taken seriously about this matter.

  3. i had the same thing and i had to have open heart surgery

  4. tell ur mom u need to go to the doctors for a check up and there on tell ur might be really serious..and ur not taking it seriously

  5. Never second guess chest pain. See a doctor immediately (especially if you notice pain in your neck, jaw, head, or develop trouble breathing along with the pain) and get an EKG done. Just so you don't freak, there's a med condition called costochondritis, which is inflammation of chest muscle: it feels like a heart problem, but it's minor-- I had it a while ago from lifting heavy boxes. But don't assume it's that. Feel better!

  6. Does it hurt when you take a deep breath?  I'm sorry that you can not share these things with your mom. You may have a rib out of place. It has happened to me and took up to two weeks to feel better. Get some rest and try not to over stretch yourself. If it gets unbearable go see a doctor  with or without your mom's blessing.  Wish U well

  7. I get pain near my heart too. I never have seen a doctor about it. A nurse i have seen, and she told me that it could be heart burn or asthma. So you should see a doctor or a nurse. Hope i helped email me at

  8. I used to get that all the time like 5 times a day for about 6 months... I stuck it out and it only comes like 1 time a month now =)

  9. i had the exact same thing. it went away in 2 days. a week? hmm thats pretty long.

    well you dont really have lots of choices: deal with the pain or go to a doctor. i suggest the 2nd one, but thats just me.

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