
Intensity problem?

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When my team plays a team that is about the same or harder than us we always step it up and come through with the win. But when we play a team that is really easy for us, they struggle we still win but they struggle. Our coach starts to yell and brings people down and I dont like my team not being happy. So if u have any ideas of how to help my team intense when we are playing a easy team I would love to hear them thanks.




  1. Try to look at each team as a really hard challenge. Remind everyone that this may be the hardest team you play, after all everybody has great days, and bad days. When your coach is angry and yelling, try to keep everybody relaxed and calm. Remember, you always play better when you are relaxed. Also, remember people have bad days, so if another player is having a bad day, help pick up the slack and smile to cheer everybody up! During hard games, we like to remind ourselves of jokes to bring a smile to our faces, it gives a whole new outlook on the game. If your team seems to not be getting into the games when they seem easier, try challenging yourselces by focusing on the other teams weakest player and sending as many hits that  spot as possible, maybe the challenge will get your teamates into he game. Good Luck!! have fun Playing!!

  2. Okay. U sjould talk to other teammates to c how they react to this situation. If they don't like it, tell the coach and tell them that if coach gets mad then they'll all quit the team!. If she/he says something rude....QUIT! Volleyball is to enjoy. Good luck!

  3. When a volleyball team is playing rather easy teams it is very hard to get excited and keep intensity up.  The coach yelling does not help at all, but you have to look past it and not let it get to you.  So the way to fix that is to not give her/him a reason to yell.  A good way to keep intensity up is to run things that you sometimes wouldn't run against a harder team.  Maybe run more quicks in the middle, set people that you wouldn't normally set, and maybe even try some back row hits.  This is a good way to get everyone pumped if something works that you don't get to do much.  It is also a good way to instill confidence in players that don't have much of it.

  4. here are some tips:

    CONTROL. That's the number one thing that you need to be good at. If you don't have it, the games are gonna be embarrassing!

    Always get the second hit to you setter, and if u are the setter, get the 2nd hit and get it to your middle blocker so she/he can spike/drive it over the net. Try to get three hits all together....Talk to your team mates! Call the ball and BE AGGRESSIVE.

    Always be in ready position, which is hands on your knees, ready to run. Make sure you understand how to rotate and get back to your spot.

    Practice your serves whenever possible, that is the easiest way to get easy points! Overhand serve if possible because it's harder and you are more likely to get points.

    Remember, CONTROL!!

  5. Our team is very good and tends to crush a lot of other teams.  What we do when we play weaker teams is set goals.  A good one we try to use is to not let them get past a certain number of points.  Also, it may not work and your coach should try to find a different way to motivate you if yelling isn't working but you have to understand its very frustrating to watch your team play down to the level of a weak team and not be able to do anything.  Just try to get your team to play their game and set different goals for yourselves.  Other goals could be for individuals such as not missing serves, anything that will get rid of little mistakes and unearned points for the other team.  Good luck

  6. Discuss it in a pregame meeting, and make sure everyone is prepared to bring their game on. This happens to EVERY team, I swear, and you just have to get everybody together and STAY POSITIVE!!

  7. I always make jokes with my team.  I am a captain, so it is my job to keep their spirits up.  We do a lot of talking, and when someone does good, we high five them and tell them how good they did.  We just try to have fun, and keep smiles on our faces.  If you want them to be happy, give them reasons to be happy!  Congradulate everyone even if they miss, and tell them that it is okay when they mess up, and give them a high five anyway.  I like to take team inside jokes to the court, and say them and rough times.  It makes people laugh.  At the beginning of the match, we have one person go around to everyone and give them jump double high fives.  It gets everyone loose, and not so tense and serious.  Just have fun, and let everyone know that it will be fun.  Just tell them to act as if they were a tough team that you needed to beat.  Just talk as much as you can, and be a very social team.  Good luck! and email me if you want more advice.  I have a lot of things to talk about.

  8. Its all about the amount you talk with your team. my team came silver in nationals. the more you talk the more intense you come and the other team put there heads down. you will win hands down

  9. OK.  That is the same with our 13 team.  WE play 12s all the time.  We just imagine them as being short 14 year-olds (a team that we just played and beat).  Just imagine them as being your level or better and then you will crush them!!!

  10. well whenever my team is playing an easier team, we used to let our guard down. we would think that oh they are so easy, but think about it this way. you  wanna beat the other team by as much as possible. you wanna show them whose better, and playing an easy team is a great chance for you to show what u really have. work on three hits, and spiking and hitting well. always remember though, don't underestimate a team. out of nowhere, they could have an amazing passer or hitter, and your team needs to keep their guard up for that.
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