
Intent to sell?

by  |  earlier

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so my husband got arrested last night, they say he got caught trying to sell xanax, he only had a few, hes not like a big time drug dealer, and this is his first offense!

What could he be looking at as far as punishment goes?

Any similar experiences?




  1. Well it is a controlled substance so this is a felony.

    A few pills will make it a low class felony.

    If convicted things depend on his record, the judges feelings that day, the political climate and even how crowded the jails are at the time.

    Many such cases get thrown out because of a bad search.

    His attorney, hired or PD, will explore that first. If that does not go they will look for a deal from the prosecutor, a plea of guilty and probation. if the judge agrees that is it.

    He will be free to have anxiety on the outside and get caught violating his probation soon enough.

    Please if you don't have them already don't have kids, make the world better. I fyou do have kids get away from the looser.

  2. If you sell drugs, you are a drug dealer. This is no different than selling any other controlled substance. I don't know what state you are in, but in California he would be prosecuted for distributing or possesing a controlled substance, with intent to sell. This is a felony, and drug cases are usually slam-dunk (its near impossible to prove you are not in possesion). He will probobly do some time, or do diversion course (really expensive substance abuse classes)

    He needs to leave the sale of drugs in the hands of the Pharmacy from now on.

  3. I'll skip the assumptions as to why he was arrested for trying to sell a controlled substance ... and any assumptions on his criminal background.

    It's pretty bad!  He will need a lawyer for these charges, he should not even think about defending himself.  

    Worst case ... he gets a judge that goes to the max for drug crimes ... he could do some time.

    1st offender ... assuming a stable employment history, he could get off with probation.  Impossible to tell ... depends on the court, the judge, the prosecutor, the exact offense he was charged with, etc.  

    The best person to answer this question is your question is your husband's lawyer ... any answers you see here (my own included) are just guesses!

  4. Up to life in prison in many states for dealing drugs.
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