
Intention vs emotion? = sin?

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does it count as a sin if for example, if an action has a good intent though the there's some kind of showing off/boasting feeling? because are not all actions based on the intention?

Jazak'Allah Khairan.




  1. self-congratulation isnt a sin

    its just repellent

  2. 31:18]  "You shall not treat the people with arrogance, nor shall you roam the earth proudly. GOD does not like the arrogant showoffs.

    [31:19]  "Walk humbly and lower your voice - the ugliest voice is the donkey's voice."

    humility is what Allah Allmighty like

  3. “Actions are according to intention”

    If you have a showing off/ boasting feeling whilst doing a good deed you could

     Try and correct your intention and focus think I am only doing this for Allah.

     Alternatively don’t do good deeds in front of people so it’s not possible for you to showoff the good deed to anyone.

     You should always look at the people who are higher then you in piety then the good deeds you do you wont be boastful you will think what I am doing is not much compared to so and so.

    The prophet sallalahu alayhi wasallam said:

    “He who practices humility for the sake of Allah, Allah will raise him. [The result will be that] he will think himself low or small but people will regard him as great. And he who shows arrogance, Allah will lower him. [The result will be that] he will be insignificant in the eyes of other people but great in his own estimation…” [Bayhaqi : narrated by umar]

  4. Get a life.

  5. Well now - I'm Pagan, btw, and this question has bothered me for years - not so much "is it a sin", more like "how do we handle it?"

    So I don't know if there's such a thing as a completely selfless act. If you only get a sense of martyrdom or self-congratulation, you've at least got summat. It's not healthy to dwell on rewards, you're allowed a smile or two, then get on with life.

    Whatever our faith, we're only humans - selfish, flawed and fallible but hopefully trying to improve and capable of great things!

    Just let's all open our hearts for once, and do the best we can for each other, try to see the best in other people and the good side of their culture and religion.

    And peace be with you, and to all brothers & sisters of all faiths or none!

  6. What you sow, you reap

  7. well i agree with you....if u arent sure abt something its better to avoid it bcoz u will be responsible for everything you do on the Day of Judgement! actions are based on the intention

    if u have a bad intention the action will be bad

    but if u have a good intention the action will be bad

    i hope i helped



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