
Inter cast marriage!!?

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i'm christian & my lover is hindu, without changing her religion, shall we marry in christian church? she like to convert to christianity,,, but their parents r not allowing her to do same.. Or if i marry in hindu culture.. is there any possiblity of a function in church??Good advice plz!!!




  1.     If she is old enough to get married, then she is old enough to choose her religion.  She can do this, but she has to decide if she wants to do this.  If her parents feel this strongly about religion, then she is basically being forced to choose between you or her parents.  You two need to discuss this relentlessly, because it will come back to haunt you in the future if you do not examine the consequences of this action and are certain that you both can handle it.  Even if she chooses you and Christianity, she may feel tremendous guilt, which could destroy the marriage.  And a Christian church will marry you two, but you do realize that the Bible states that a Christian can not marry a non Christian, right?

  2. Well I'm not catholic but I was married in a catholic church with a (light) catholic ceremony and my protestant family were all allowed to attend.

    I think as long as one person is of the faith then you can do it. But it varies from church to church. Have you spoken to a pastor at all about this yet? He should be able to tell you the specific rules of his church, and whether she can marry you WITHOUT converting.

    That way you can keep her parents happy and still marry in the church of your choice.

    (And by the way, if she really wants to convert, there's nothing that says she HAS to tell her parents. If it's going to be that much of a problem, you could always just choose not to tell her parents about it, you know?)

  3. Not really an intercaste marriage unless you also belong to a caste and it is different from that of your fiancee. Often when the faiths and families are different, esp. if separated by a long distance, 2 weddings can be held - 1 here in your church with local friends and family, 1 where her parents and family are. It may be that they want to give her a traditional wedding to celebrate with their friends and family. Religion is ultimately a personal decision and neither of you needs to change religion unless you want to, but obviously you should decide before marriage in which faith you will raise your children.

  4. Are you marrying her or her parents? You and your lover should do what you both think is right for the two of you.
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