
Inter president Massimo Moratti says Calciopoli scandal is shameful

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Inter president Massimo Moratti says Calciopoli scandal is shameful. Regardless of what he says, still wiretapping your employees house is not sitting well with me and i'm sure others would agree, should employers be allowed to wiretap the employees house?"This is a manipulation out of nothing and is extremely serious," he was quoted as saying by Rai Sport.

"In these days nothing has been revealed, because Moratti has clearly stated what happened in 2006. They are trying to look back today as if there was something illegal, but there is nothing illegal."

Moratti himself recently branded the attempts to bring Inter into the Calciopoli scandal as "shameful".




  1. Let's just say, Inter are not out of the woods just yet.

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