
Interactive white board?

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could someone tell me what is an interactive white board? no wikipedia plz. i want to really compare a projector & a white board. my univ is planning to buy one. i have to make suggestions. so do suggest some good brand(s) if u want me to go for the interactive one.




  1. An interactive white board is a board that's connected to a computer and a projector (to project what's being written on board/comp).

    I can't find any websites, but my school uses the SmartBoard.

  2. I had one in my classroom. It looks like a big, white erase board, but if you write on it with a dry erase market, it's really hard to get in clean. Anyhow, you hook it into your laptop then you have to hook a LCD projector into the laptop so that whatever is on the laptop shows up on the screen.

    The board comes with two recharable, black pens that you use to write on the board instead of a piece of chalk or a marker. When you write with it, it looks kind of like writing something using the Paint program.

    It's hard to write on though because when you lean to write on it, your shadow covers up what you are writing. I barely used it.  

  3. An interactive whiteboard is a whiteboard that connects to a computer or portable device so you can save and share what you write or draw with people in class, in a conference room, and over the Internet. It can also act as a touchscreen to let you display and interact with what's on your computer screen (with the help of a projector).

    In other words, interactive whiteboards let you write and share your ideas and information right away with as many people as you want, for as long as you want. That makes it more useful than a traditional whiteboard, which can only be seen by people sitting in the same room for a limited amount of time (i.e. until you erase it).

    I'm including a couple links - the first one is a selection of different interactive whiteboards (including a system that can turn a normal whiteboard into an interactive whiteboard), and the second one highlights a way to make your own inexpensive interactive whiteboard from a video game controller. Hope this helps you get started.

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