
Interested in a tattoo, how much pain is there and cost?

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I am looking into a tattoo but I am real curious about the whole pain situation. How much pain is there involved in a tattoo? I already know that I want the tattoo in the center of my shoulder blades and I want it to expand out over the shoulder blades, down a little bit, and up a little bit as well. I know the tattoo is big but it will only be black and white. Can anyone give me a quote on the price and a little heads up about the pain?




  1. it's all relative to the person.

    you can find 10 ppl to tell you their ankle tattoos nearly killed them bcse it hurt so much

    you can find 10 more that tell you it didn't hurt.

    depending on where you get it. how large, how much color it needs, how heavy handed the artist is, how well you take pain....

    all this factors in to getting a tattoo

    you will feel something when it gets done, from tingly to heat to pure pain.

    my foot and back of shoulder hurt the most. ankle the least. thigh was a hot dull pain. top of shoulder i only felt some pricks of the needle and a dull discomfort not a pain per say

    really you won't know till it starts how you will take it.

    as for price... it's apx $100 an hour. also varies by shop and artist. you are looking at $300-500 depending on the size and amount of time it takes to color/shade it in

  2. I mean no offense, but if you're a man your threshold for pain is probably not high at all (sorry, it's a proven fact!)

    Anyway, I have a tattoo on each hip, my lower (but not too low) back, and the top of my foot.  It's an annoying feeling, some people describe feeling like a serrated knife is being dragged across your skin.  I think it feels like a cat scratch.  The next few hours following your session it will feel like a sunburn, and the next couple days it will feel like a bruise when touched.  Then, as it heals, commence the itching!  It will itch like CRAZY but leave it alone!  If you pick the scabs you could cause scarring which will destroy the integrity of the design.

    Also, the thickness of your lines and the detail of the tattoo itself will affect price greatly.  Some artists charge by the hour.  Make sure you peruse the books that showcase the artists previous work too...

    Enjoy your tattoo experience!!

  3. Depends on your artist for the price, but with that big of one I'd say around 300 to 400.

    The pain isn't bad at all.

    I have one on the back of my neck. It feels like someone is dragging a razor across your skin slowly, and then it's followed by a mild burning.

    So it's more of an annoyance than a pain.

    The center of your back could be painful though, and over your shoulderblade.

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