
Interested in starting pottery

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i want to start learning pottery but dont have much time to take classes. can anyone tell me where i can get/buy some good clay in bangalore (for starters)? and some basic designs ( i can search the web bu i would like some opinions as well)?




  1. unless in the fundemental state approach to any fine art students from that college--you will understand correct an art field.a good beginning is good ending

  2. actually, particularly if you don't have much time, classes are the way the go. They save you time - you don't have to hunt down materials, you don't waste as much time making mistakes, because you have somebody close who can explain things to you, you don't have to organize a place to fire your things in a kiln as the place which is teaching should have a kiln and taking a class gives you access. If you don't have the time for a class, you may not have time for pottery either. Once you started working with clay you can't shove it into a corner for a couple of weeks and then come back and expect it to be still perfectly workable.

    But as far as basic designs are concerned, for what? Do you want to work with a pottery wheel? Or do you want to try hand building? Working with coils or slabs? Generally a bowl is a basic pottery design. Make sure you can make a good one (not too thick walls, regular) and then you can vary the steepness and curvature of the walls and you have unlimited designs.

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