
Interesting s*x situation, please help!! Any opinions welcomed!!

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My best friend and I (shes a girl and I'm a boy) have known each other for quite a while. We are both 16 and are going through many physical and emotional changes. She has ALWAYS been there for me when i needed her and is truly the best friend i have ever had until this day. We usually talk on the phone for an average of about 3 hours everyday and we spend some time together. Lately she has helped me through a tough time and has been there for me and i really appreciate it (it is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me). For the past few days we have also been talking about s*x. I made out with her for the first time 2 days ago and yesterday i made out with her again. But i also fingered her both times while we made out. I think that she is the first real love of my life because of how attached we are to each other. If i ever lost her as a best friend, i would really be depressed because she means so much to me. Lately. we have been talking about breaking our virginity to each other, but i am not sure if it is right. Will having s*x with her possibly deteriorate our friendship? Because if that is the case, i really don't want to have s*x with her then. But then again, we both trust each other tremendously and i think she is falling in love with me too. She understands me more than anyone ever has, and is really special to me. Should i have s*x with her because i cannot make up my mind? We are both ready to have s*x but is it going to hurt us in the long term, maybe would asking her out be a good option and hopefully it would work? Please help!!




  1. wait till marriage

  2. You are gonna lose her no mater what. How many people can you name tht were lovers at 16 and they grew old together. Keep the friendship.

  3. It's simple... up to your understanding each other.

    Many people can be friends after having s*x. Doesn't have to be awkward or hurt the relationship. If you have a good friendship now.. don't be worried.

    Heres what could happen in my opinion...

    You could loose your virginity to someone you care less about than this lady. But you know you still have a friend.


    You could loose your virginity to someone you care about and have a strong connection with. This memory will last forever.

    Your friendship MAY last forever whatever you choose, you never can tell. So go for the memory, what you know will be lasting, and maybe just maybe, it will make the bond between you even stronger and able to last even long.

    BTW: Practice safe s*x and clean up when you are through..

  4. What about asking what she thinks?

  5. Well, I would pursue her more romantically some more kissing and go out on dates.  And from what it sounds you have already done enough to feel awkward around her, but I would wait a little longer because she will respect you in the long run for not rushing into anything.  Trust me been there....women have emotional ties to s*x so it will be different for her then it will be for you.

  6. What till your ready and when you do have your first time please do it with condiments.    

  7. This is a tricky question. I mean, if you have s*x with her and break up, you most likely will either, a) stop being friends, or b) have an awkward friendship. I would go out, but wait for a week or two to have s*x, just to be sure .  

  8. Just keep on using your finger and can use her hand to help you but for the s*x wait

  9. Well you really don't need anyones help because you've answered the question on your own, I really think that you need to think about this long and hard because lets face it a good friend is hard to find, and the same thing happen to me some years back and at first it was very awkward and then became very uncomfortable because someone always catches feelings, I think I would keep her as a best friend.

  10. Having s*x with a friend can ruin a friendship...If you cannot make up your mind then you cannot be ready..Take your time and dont rush it. Maybe if you both want more with each other then try asking her out first and see how things go.  Leave s*x out of it for now.  

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