
Interesting activities for children stepping first time in school?

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I am pre-school(LKG) teacher in the leading school and newly appointed and want that my students schould feel comfortable with me and should feel enthuisatic when they reach school for learning, so I want to know the interesting activities for them




  1. well you should tell them stories don't be too hard on them! you should intruduce your self and just ask what they want to do(nessary ones!)! and if they have too much then they will have a vote one for the boys only and one for the girls only!

  2. I am also a preschool teacher and I have a few little tricks that worked for myself and my students. I made up questions and printed them onto small cards. I then put the cards into a med.size gift bag. and let each student pick one out at circle time. When we go around the circle greeting each other, I ask each student to come and stand beside me or just stand where they are and I ask them the question and ask them to tell the rest of the class the answer. It makes them feel important in class, and also lets me and everyone else know something about them. Sometimes it takes me to go first , and the kids think that's great that I tell them something about myself. The questions I use are something like: What is your favorite story, What do you like to play with at home, Do you have any pets, and tell us about them. Stuff like that.  Also I found that the book "The Kissing Hand" works really well for separation anxiety.

  3. Children love games so make a game out of it.  Most are scared being away from mom and dad for the first time.  Play "Can you find" games like "can you find me the reading area"  then the kids all go to the reading area and you can explain that this is the area where you all will be doing story time.  Or "where is the art station" and show them different colors and things you will be doing.   Show them the time out area and the bathroom area.  This will make them feel a bit comfortable know their surroundings.

  4. your spelling makes me uncomfortable with your role as teacher. im hoping its your excitement at starting your new job.

    learn their names quickly! makes em feel like u know them

    take coffee filters and pipe cleaners

    let the kids color or paint the filter, then scrunch it in the middle with the pipe cleaner, instant butterflies!

    fun and easy with minimum mess & investment

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