
Interesting discovery?

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Which is the most interesting discovery ever made?

I mean discovery, not invention.

Interesting, not necessarily great.




  1. The fact that antimatter do exist in the universe (according to me)

    Come to think of it, if matter reacts with lab-created anti-matter; the whole big-bang theory will proceed in the reverse direction and everything will be reduced to where it originally came from.

  2. The Zero, it's invention or discovery? this magnificent number it simplifies enormously the mathematical operation.

    A greeting.

  3. well

    everyone has his own opinion

    in my opinion, greatest discovery is that we cannot discover the boundary of universe

  4. For me, probably the wheel, since it absolutely dominates most all mechanical designs and affects every aspect of mankind could argue it as "the lever", which of course it is that too.

    Give me a lever and a fulcrum, and I will....gosh, old quote, but a good one.

    Here is a test, find any major technology with not wheel or lever?   Good luck!

  5. Depends on what you call interesting.  To primitive man, the discovery that fire can cook food might be intesting.  Or maybe that his fist can be used for aggression.  Maybe  he thought it was interesting when he discovered that a sharpened stick could be a weapon.

  6. I'll go for discovery that huiman being has got highest brains on earth.Afterall all other discoveries were done after knowing this fact.


    (is a natural phenomena in nature.) If this was not being discovered, we will not be able to have a discussion now like this. Anybody of us is probably located anywhere on the other side of the globe, but because of radiowave we are virtually linked together, wherever we are.

    It powered all types of communications, including the internet. A great discovery for mankind that changed everybody's way of life forever.

  8. I would vote for E=mc^2
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