In the beginning of the dream I'm walking through the woods and there are no animals, or bugs or any thing. no sound at all other than my own feet as I walk. I come to a clearing and at first I just stare into it, there's a small pond in the center of the clearing, so I walk towards it. When I look into the water their are fish! But they are not moving. Then the ground starts to shake a little, and I hear a rumbling sound, as that happens, the fish start to swim. I stand up, and look towards the trees and horses are running out of them. Some running around the trees, some running right through them. I turn, and I start running away from them, but I don't feel scared, I want to run with them, not away from them. Soon the horses are running around me, I look over my shoulder and there is a woman riding one of the horses. She has skin almost the color of native Americans, but a bit paler, with black hair, and emerald green eyes, and she is completely naked, riding on a brown and White (cont)