
Interesting environmental facts?

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So, I've been searching the internet for random facts about pollution and such, but I haven't found much that would shock the reader. I'm basically looking for the "environmentalist" equivalent of those "Truth" commercials, where they have outlandish facts. Any resources?




  1. Enviromental stuff isnt interesting

  2. well heres some good stuff sorry it isn't correct or anything but it is very funny.  Did you no that more then 100% of forest fires are caused by trees. So why are we saving the trees if they just burn. Some sientists say "that trees don't cause them people do" but this is incorrect the people were intending only to burn that one tree its up to the trees to catch on fire. Trees can also make for a sturdy chair.

  3. There are a lot of facts out there. but there are even more lies out also. scientists get paid TONS of $ to lie to you and get you scared.   Like for instance Global Warming isn't really Global "Warming"  it should be called Global Climate change because the earth isn't heating or cooling...   its the climate changing so fast that natural disasters occur. Like a hurricane in London. and already about 20+ tornadoes in the Usa.

  4. Go s***w a propain tank `JJ` Pollution is a horrible thing, though most people come on here just to make fun of us they dont see that we need to help now!!,

    So here are some facts about everything in the book that I already know:

    ``Did you know? That the Earth's atmosphere is sooo clouded with Greenhouse gases, soon it will cause something called, 'a polar winter' pushing the Earth into another ice age"

    Did you know? that if just 25% fewer families used plastic bags we would save 2.5 billion bags a year."

    Did YoU KnOw? Every TON of recycled office paper can save 380 gallons of oil"

    did you knowww? About 1% of U.S. landfill space is full of disposable diapers, which take 500 years to decompose.

    did YOU know? By turning down your central heating thermostat one degree, fuel consumption is cut by as much as 10%.

    Deserts are advancing and taking over the land. In Mali the desert has taken over about 220 miles in as few as 20 years. Deserts can be repelled, by developing tree-planting projects, having better agriculture and by managing the land better. However, governments still are reluctant to fund anti-desertification, despite horrific droughts that have occurred in recent years.

    The Earth has been around for 4.6 billion years. Scaling this time down to 46 years we have been around for 4 hours and our Industrial Revolution began just 1 minute ago. During this short time period we have ransacked the planet for ways to get fuels and raw materials, have been the cause of extinction of an unthinkable amount of plants and animals, and have multiplied our population to that of a plague.

    Despite all of the damage we have caused the environment most of it is reversible. We can restore habitats and return species to them; clean rivers; renovate buildings; replenish the topsoil, replant forests. However, these activities do not relieve the worst symptoms of the damage. We still have to fix the source of these problems, us and our vision that we must progress.

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