
Interesting fact about the DH?

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Back in 1934 the idea was first proposed. The National League SUPPORTED the idea and the American League DID NOT. Do you think fans would be more supportive of the dh if it had been in use since the mid thirties? I will give a thumbs up to every answer who is not rude.




  1. Well... I had no idea. If it had been around a while, then I imagine people would accept the idea.

  2. I never knew that little tidbit of information.  That's crazy.  As a fan I just can't embrace the DH.  The game was created your 9 versus my 9, which it no longer is.  I especially don't find it fair that one league has the DH and the other one doesn't.  Come interleague play the NL is at a disadvantage because they don't pay guys monster contracts to just hit on their team.

  3. I think it was held to a manager vote in the national league.  I heard that the only reason it wasnt picked up is because one manager decided to do whatever the pirates manager did, and he ended up doing the opposite by accident.  I heard that a while back and i cant remember the whole story, I might check on that later.

  4. In my opinion I think it should be the same in both leagues whether it be DH or just pitcher hits, either way it should be the same.

  5. yeah i found that out a little while ago, it really surprised me a lot lol.

  6. Yes I think fans would be more supportive of it, especially if the rule had been around since the 30's, and even more especially if both leagues had adopted it.  However even if that were the case, I'd still think there would be a strong movement to get rid of it, just not as much as there is now.

  7. Well im an american leager and i really like the dh if it was around back in the thirties like you said it definatly whould be welcomed because everyone would be acustomed to it

  8. If the DH had been in place since the 30's, then yes it would be more acceptable because most fans would not have seen baseball played any other way.

    Personally I do not like the DH.  I enjoy the strategies, the sacrifice, walking # 8 to get to # 9, the double switch.  

    And I agree with Jose, it should be the same in both leagues.

  9. This is news to me.  If those were the rules that I always knew I wouldn't give it a second thought.  It remains a point of contention because you have both standards operating within the same sport.

    I think that the time has come to either end the "experiment" or extend it to both leagues.  Or at least end interleague play.

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