
Interesting facts about guatemala?

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I'm building a website on guatemala for a school project.

do you know any interesting facts or events that have happened?




  1. It's an extremely culturally diverse country ( many Europeans reside in colonial looking towns such as Antigua), amazing sights and very friendly people. A lot of very interesting places to visit are Tikal( where most Mayan ruins are located), Antigua, Panajachel, Izabal, Rio Amatitlan, etc.

    Have fun on the website!!

    Guatemala Rocks !!!!

  2. If you can build a website,you can certainly do your own research for it.....or is it  really your homework you want someone else to do for you?

    Good luck!

  3. Guatemala is an awesome country!  I've been to 8 countries and Guatemala is my absolute favorite.  There's so much diversity and so much to do.  If I was creating a website, I'd definitely include Tikal.  It's the center for Mayan ruins, and part of "Star Wars" was filmed there.  The city of Antigua is great too.  It reminds me more of Europe than a third world country....and you'll even find a volcano in the background of the city (and you can even travel by donkey to the volcano if you're adventureous).  For a little flavor of the Caribbean, include some information on the town of Livingston, right on the coast.  It's an excellent place to get a taste of Caribbean culture and take a swim in the ocean.  

    Overall, Guatemala is very diverse, and therefore is an excellent place to visit....with ocean on both sides, Mayan ruins, a taste of Europe and the Caribbean, the city life of Guatemala City, jungle, mountains, and a simple but happy can't be beat!

  4. Check out . Lots of great photos and videos about Gutemala. Also, good maps.

  5. everything you will need you could find here

    please write that we are called the ETERNAL SPRING COUNTRY

    that we have the biggest Mayan arqueological sites

    one of the most beautiful lakes in the world Atitlan

    a unique specimen of orchids like Monja Blanca

    that we are in Central AMERICA - Continent not USA

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