
Interesting question..I have given everything about me here..will i be successful ln life?best answer-10 pts?

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I am from india..19 years old..I have dropped out of college presently and striving to make it big in films..and I believe I can achieve it..I am a part-time stock trader now..My aim in life is to earn a lot through film-making as a director/script-writer and multiply my money through stock markets..and one day i wanna be the world's richest person =) i believe I can..I'am always attracted to being alone rather than being too social and active..I dunno why but thats the way I am..and I love being the way I am.. =) although I have my own negatives and short-comings in thing i hate in myself and wanna change is I am over-lazy and sometimes too over-confident =( I hope I'll change soon..I am a big big biggggg dreamer..I wanna achieve huge thing in life...after making my dreams true,i'll help a lot of poor and needy people..My aim about social life is everyone poor kid must be educated although i am not attracted towards education since I believe I can make it big in films..I am a sweetheart and angelic in heart :) thats what i believe..but i dont get much chances to show it out..i have only selective friends..I prefer spending most of time alone..I am sometimes very cheerful but suddenly way too moody..I am an extremist in showing emotions either too angry or very lovely =) I have a lot of dreams about my marital life..I'll treat my girl with care,respect and utmost love such that she melts for me =) I love to 'make love' for her rather than just having s*x..i will raise my kids with all the freedom and individuality they need in this world..i'll never force anything into them...sadly i am not in good terms with my parents for obvious reasons...but i'll be a good parent for sure..I am an athiest..i believe more in me than anything else..but sadly my present state if life is somewhat bad ,but I am working towards it with all the confidence in this world..

Enough information?will i be successful in life?now go ahead with ya prediction..lets see what ya say =) be it either negative or positive..i would love to see what ya think about me :) DONT ANSER FOR 10 POINTS ANSWER RIGHT FROM YA HEART but i will choose best answer for sureee...!





  1. I hate to be a downer, but I already see a few problems with your master plan.  You love to be alone and are DRAWN to being solitary, yet you want to be famous? You dropped out of college yet have biiiiigg dreams for your marital life? You are a "sweetheart and angelic in heart"?? I don't think that is conducive to doing what it takes to become rich and have to be able to take whatever the media and critics throw at you. Let's see...list of pros and cons:

    1. Athiest - you better hope your future wife is a non-believer.

    2. Sweetheart and angelic in heart - can't be angelic if you don't believe in God. If God doesn't exist, angels don't either.

    3. Dropped out of college - shows you don't finish what you start

    4. You hate yourself - how do you expect anyone else to love you if YOU can't love you?

    Do you live in California? New York? Or are you interested in Bollywood stardom? How does your work as a part-time stock trader equip you to become an actor? Do you know anyone in the business? How do you plan on breaking into the business? Do you have an agent? Acting coach? Voice Coach?

    I hope ever dream comes true for you, but...

  2. I say its ok.

    Too boring but ok.

  3. You are positive and confident, and these two things will get you far. The only problem I see is that you don't show any self-discipline, which may end up being your downfall. Dreams are wonderful, goals are better, but what have you actually accomplished? What is your plan to be successful? What steps are you taking to make your dreams become a reality? You sound like a person who could do a lot of good in life if only you would have the discipline to actually DO it. That is my opinion. Good luck to you!

  4. Some good traits are listed, but while it is ok I guess to want money, to love money is not wise. You say you want to help others, but film is not really a "helper" type job. I find the most successfull people are the ones with a single purpose they work hard to achieve. What matters more to you, helping others or film/wealth? I feel being an Atheist tends to make people a tad lonely, not believing in an all loving being. I believe people get their reward either in this life or the next. To me, as a spiritual person, I want to help others and that will never get me wealth, but I have accepted that. To be wealthy, you cannot be too nice or too generous, otherwise you will not be wealthy for long. You seem to have many good ideas, but focus is needed for success. Make dreams reality You will need to learn to control the anger you mentioned. If you are honest, kind, compassionate and dedicated you can reach all your goals, just don't lose sight of what is truly important in life. IF you do become rich- don't forget to help others, otherwise you will lose yourself. Get focused and work hard and the rest will follow  Best of luck.      

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