
Interesting question. I need as many answers as I can get?

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The question is: Quantity or Quality? Which is more important to you and why? Don't let this bias your answer, but to me, I prefer Quality because I'd rather have less of something, and it be better, rather than to have more of something, but not as good.




  1. Quality can be the only answer, of those who really give this any thought at all.

    I would rather have one nice antique than have a houseful of shoddy new furniture.

    What is the old saying? "Quality will out.?"  Well, I feel the same way.

  2. Quality!

    and function over form

  3. Quality pretty much, I really can't think of anything that I would settle for it's quantity over it's quality. Maybe hugs?  

  4. You posted this in can you ask a question..stating your own opinion and actually expect the results to be unbiased?  

    Good Luck!

  5. if i'm really hungry and only have a little bit of money to spend i'd choose quantity.

    but for just about everything else, quality. after all, its going to last longer, so paying a little more is going to eventually save you money when you have to get that junky fridge fixed.

  6. Quality.  If I am going to spend my time/money/energy on something I want it to be worth it.

  7. quality eveyrtime

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