
Interesting "pregnancy/baby" dreams??? Meanings?

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I've been having these really random dreams about babies and pregnancy. If you have any interpretation/insight to what they might mean, please answer. Thanx!


Was somewhere with family and was asked to hold a new born. Family began to leave so I was giving the baby back to the mother and the baby wouldn't let go of me! The baby fell on the ground by accident and when i went to pick it up it had ants on its face. It scarded me and I felt so so bad. (Weird)


Was getting ready to board a flight with my mom. Come to find my mother was nine months pregnant and therefore unable to board the flight with me. So I boarded alone...and I think I was scared too.


Walked into dinning room and my dad was alone and babysitting some random baby. For some reason I have the feeling that I didn't like the baby and it scared me because it was just oddly creepy.

How I feel about babies:

Unsure if i want kids.

Don't want 'em outside marrage.

Find them a tad scary! lol




  1. Dreams of pregnancy and babies are about change.  Something new in your life.  The babies being in wierd situation is a reflection of your fear of the change.

    Change is about to take place or it is allready.  The kind of change that is big, something that will change your perspective of life.

  2. I tend to have baby dreams before a big event/transition in my life. Before my wedding and before graduation I would have baby dreams. Are you going through a life transition right now?

  3. We all have weird dreams when we are pregnant. Must be all the pickles,lol. But I dreamt that I was raped by a bull and my kid came out half human and half bull. I was 16 and not on drugs. LOLOLOLOL!

  4. You didn't mention if the baby was male or female.  If male you will be faced with much hardship.  If female, good things will come your way.  The ants indicate hard work and diligence whether you face hardship or gain bounty.  Your mother's suffering with a lot of difficulty at the moment, likewise your father is too if that random baby was a boy.  If it was a girl, bounty and prosperity will come his way.  These dreams have nothing to do with you becoming pregnant or wanting babies.  This has to do with the state of affairs you are in  now.


  5. wet dreams

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