
Interesting situation between my best friend and my possible new bf...?

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So when I broke up w/ my bf my best friend took it upon herself to tell a whole bunch of ppl that I was single, including one of her best guy friends. Well it turns out that I developed a crush on him and he started liking me as well. Over the last month and a half we have been hanging out together, more recently one on one instead of in group gatherings; my problem is that my friend who pretty much introduced us is acting weird now. And I came to find out from a couple of our good friends (maybe a couple weeks ago) that it is weird for her to see us liking each other because she once had a crush on him (either that or it is still on going) even though she has had a bf for the last 2 years; but she has been telling me that it is weird for her simply because we are both her really good friends and now we are liking each other and that she didnt think i would start liking him (she thought I would turn him down like I was doing to all the other guys at the time). And now shes starting to make comments about how me and him are hanging out more, or that he talks more to me than he does w/ her now, and like we invited her nd her bf to go to dinner w/ us nd other ppl tonight but she never called us back and just went home, and now she is going to start working at the same workplace at him (i dont think thats a problem though). Anyways....has anyone ever been in this kind of a situation and do you have any advice on how I can deal w/ the way my friend is acting? I really like this guy and want to continue talking to him and hopefully date him, and my friend doesnt know that I know that she used to like him and I think it is better kept that way....I just want my friend to accept whats happening and get back to normal. And do you think it'll be a problem that I could date a guy that she has a crush on...or that we're in a best friend/love triangle??




  1. Too long!!!

  2. Shes just jealous - and needs to get over herself - sounds like she wants to be the center of attention.  Tell her that she has a bf already and cannot have her cake and eat it too.  Also remind her  that she introduced the 2 of you.

  3. You have to take happiness where you find it. If you really care about this guy tell your friend that. I have an ex that was a close friend before we dated, one of the hardest things I have had to tell him was that I was dating (and talking marriage) with one of his best friends. She may like him, she may be sad that you are dating him, BUT she is in a relationship. If she is a real friend than she should understand and be excited for your happiness

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