
Interesting things to do when your bored at school?

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any funny things i can try, i've seeen a few websites, and i get the jist, i just wondered if anyone else did funny things in school for fun? Just coz your bored? Maybe you invented a new game? If so tell me please!





  1. NO I listened to my teachers and worked hard.That's why I now do not have to worry about money.

  2. Oh, I don't know, study. Further your education. Get excited and passionate about something instead of gossiping with Paris Hilton wannabe, Star magazine reading time wasters and focus on your education. You could google 'Six Figure Jobs' or 'incomes that will allow me to afford a yacht someday' or 'owning a private island' or 'how to not end up like my bored peers in school and study my butt off so I can get the good life'.

    Or you could just do what you wanna do anyway, since the above is probably only for those highly motivated individuals.

    Yeah, you could also draw a 'box'. Similar to the cardboard box you'll be living in if you don't wise up and study hard.

  3. Wait for the lesson to commence and when the instructor is halfway through the lesson, leap out of your seat and yell SURPRISE BUTTSECKS? in an inquiring tone. then put on a goofy smile and throw your water bottle at the nearest person, run into a wall, start spinning whilst simultaneously doing jumping jacks and singing the star spangle banner. afterwards, laugh and clap furiously, stop suddenly, look around suspiciously and then say "why i say watson, i feel rather horny right this moment, nay nay, oh but a clouted shoon? has dost killed him whilst sleeping? oh brave touch." and run outside naked.

    then you have two choices, you can either scare some old people waiting at bus stops or go into dunkin donuts and eat a donut. or pretend to eat a donut. or eat a bagel. works either way.

    i mean you can also try to hallucinate or something. thatll help you escape the classroom boredom. but to this day i havent figured out how. so i stick with the first option.

  4. Lolz, We used to play a "game" where you draw a box, then say 4 guys you want to marry, 4 places you want to live, 4 careers you want to have and 4 extras - e.g no of children you want, car you want.... and write our answers on each side of the box.

    Then write the age we want these things by in the box, and starting at the top you go around your answers the amount of times your "age" is and cross off whatever you land on, keep doing this till your left with 1 answer on each side and this was sposed to be your future! XD

  5. learn and pay attention i have ADHD so i know when it's hard to pay attention in class if you get behind then your screwed .class is where you learn not distract others and wreck their education

  6. you should be listening and learning instead of playing games like a nursery child, if you don't care about it, then i suggest you give your place to a child somewhere in the world who can't afford to learn.

    and then you get pissed off when you get sh*tty grades.

  7. Get a group of people who are all in the same class and when you're supposed to be working silently get everybody to hum one after the other so the sound gets louder and louder and if the teacher comes near anybody that is humming they stop and everybody else carries on! Or if that fails then just pass notes to each other! Or ask if you go to the toilet and just wonder about your school for a while!

  8. only boring people are bored

    By the way: not 'your' but 'you're'

  9. We used to play catagories and consequences.

    Categories is when you have two or three categories e.g... names, cars etc... and the alphabet down the side of you page.  Then yo each fill in your pieces of paper - one thing in each category.  Then you mark it when you've all finished - 3 points if no one else has it, 1 if someone else has it and 0 if you don't get anything.

    Consequences is when you each have a piece of paper and you write a story between you.  So you all write the names of 2 people, fold the top of your paper down, then pass it on.  Then you write where they met and do the same.  Then what they did, then how and then the consequence of it was.  Then read it out cause it'll be funny.

  10. LMFAO at Allison's Answer LMFAO!

  11. We had silent reading one day and someone made a popping noise with their mouth, then their friend did, and so on until everyone was doing it.

    There you go, about 20 seconds of boredom cured XD

  12. Join a club. I'm in newspaper club. I was editor last yr. Or doodle.

    Better yet if you have a graphing calculator download gms and play them  in class. My friend had Mario on his

  13. hey chezey, i have ADHD too, and i always do is listen to my ipod during lessons (even tho i not supposed to lol),

    and i do with my mates is talk and talk, and like mess about in lesson where i know i won't get into S**t with the teacher, hehe. and i sing randomly when the room is silent and everyone in my class just laughs their asses of hehe.


  14. Now that's one thing my class specializes in lol. We actually won an award on the last day for being the worst behaved class, and another for being the most fun form class to teach.

    In my R.E class everybody always bought in glove and use to throw them around the class when the teacher wasn't looking. After just our class was banned from bringing in gloves except from mid October - mid January.

    Another thing my class would do is knock on the underside of the table. Then when the teacher asked who done it about 3 other people banged their table.

    One of the most interesting things we done was, when we were allowed to use laptops during class we'd all go on MSN but not turn the volume down. The noise drove all of our teachers mad.

    My classes are never boring because the people in it aren't afraid to stand up to the teachers.

  15. 1. Walk backwards and when you bump into someone yell, “Watch where you’re going! Geez!”

    2. Choose a ‘unique’ teacher and impersonate him/her the whole day.

    3. Say everything really loudly.

    4. Say everything really softly.

    5. Stick ‘Kick Me’ signs signed by yourself all over your back.

    6. Pretend to fall asleep and when anyone touches you or talks to you, ‘wake up’ and yell, “Can’t anyone get some decent sleep around here?”

    7. Run into walls and apologize to them.

    8. Every time you see one of your friends, shout, “Hello!” really loudly from across the room.

    9. Walk up to students you don’t know at all and say ‘hi’ or ‘hello’ repeatedly.

    10. When the teacher walks out of the room, walk to the board and start ‘teaching’ the class.

    11. Say serious things in a sarcastic tone and sarcastic things in a serious tone.

    12. Hug your friends randomly and say, “I’m going to miss you sooooo much!” and start bawling loudly.

    13. Bring in a metal cup with some change in it and start clanging it around as if you’re a beggar.

    14. Hand out detention slips to people you dislike while wearing a band labeled “Detention Monitor” (you know, like hall monitor bands?)

    15. Put up school election posters after the election is over.

    16. Write a letter to the guidance counselor telling him/her how he/she has caused more problems than he/she has fixed.

    17. Tell your teacher that your imaginary friend Bob ate your homework.

    18. If there is an empty seat next to you, start whispering and passing notes. When someone asks you what you are doing, tell them that it was Bob’s fault.

    19. Gossip about yourself.

    20. Gossip about Bob.

    21. Tell the teacher that Bob did (insert whatever Bob did here).

    22. Keep talking as if you’re talking to the person next to you, and when they answer, scream, “I wasn’t talking to you! Now, Bob, where were we?”

    23. Run down the halls.

    24. Repeat.

    25. Repeat.

    26. Yell at yourself, “The halls are not a race track!” Then walk away and pretend nothing happened.

    27. Zone out whenever anyone speaks to you.

    28. Grin broadly and say, “I didn’t take my medication today!”

    29. Act like germs are your worst enemy and when someone informs you that they are everywhere scream, “Ah! Get them off! GET THEM OFF!!!”

    30. Act like you’re scared of everything.

    31. Bring a straitjacket to school and say, “See? My mommy uses this when she forgets to give me my medication.”

    32. Say the word ‘like’ in between like every like word like you like say.

    33. Start sneezing and hacking all over the place, wipe your nose, and then say, “It’s (insert made-up illness here). *cough* Very *hack* contagious *cough*”

    34. Draw a stick figure and ask your art teacher, “Isn’t it beyootiful?”

    35. Make up a word and ask your CA teacher what it means.

    36. If you are the teacher’s pet, break some rules and see if you get into trouble.

    37. Give a present to your locker and start singing “Happy Birthday” to it.

    38. Act like the opposite of your normal self.

    39. Apologize for every little thing you do.

    40. Have conversations with yourself.

    41. Have conversations with Bob.

    42. Wear something really formal and when people ask you why you’re wearing it say, “Why? Isn’t it picture day today?”

    43. Randomly start banging on a computer and exclaim, “Why won’t this thing work?”

    44. Look up words that also mean ‘here’ and say them when your teachers call your name for attendance.

    45. Act like the ‘popular’ cliques in your school except exaggerate. i.e. Say, “Oh my gawd! I can’t believe that he said that she said that she said that he said that… (etc.)”

    46. Speak in a foreign language all day except in that class.

    47. Dance to your classes.

    48. Bring a Glad product to school and whenever someone gets mad at you, say, “Don’t get mad! Get Glad!” Then hold up the Glad product.

    49. If you know a foreign language that nobody else knows (This is important!) teach the obnoxious jerks in your school ‘curse words’ (well, tell them that) Instead, teach them phrases such as ‘I love you’ and ‘Will you marry me?’ (Unless the only other people who know the language are your friends and won’t tell them, don’t try this)

    50. Watch them say those things to each other and laugh hysterically.

    51. Pretend you’re in a secret organization and sneak around to your classes.

    52. Look up five difficult words in the dictionary and use them as much as you can all day.

    53. Randomly shout, “Are we there yet?”

    54. Whenever someone of the opposite gender (that you particularly do not like) touches you, scream, “PERVERT!” and run away bawling.

    55. Every time someone says something to you, act like you’re deaf and scream, “What?!”

    56. Run down the halls screaming, “Bob is coming! BOB IS COMING!”

    I personally like to leave food (fruit works well) to rot in my locker and use it to gross out fellow locker neighbors :)

  16. draw on the tables when your bored in lessons

  17. sleep, do ur homework, play video games,etc

  18. Try learning.  Then, you can get an education and eventually become a productive member of society.

  19. well i've just left school four month ago and me and my lads were always misbehaving.  We were excluded for vandalism and drinking in the school.  We disobeyed all the rules and just messed about.  We used to like to throw hard chocolate at people in the canteen and then jump on the tables and throw water every where.  We put expanding foam in the toilets and kicked down doors and threw eggs at people.  it was loads of fun but we got in **** from the year head.  Worth it though.

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