
Interference by Torres- Dulce rebels prosecutors Constitutional

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Constitutional Court prosecutors have not consented to the state attorney general, Eduardo Torres- Dulce, imposes them the criteria by which their work must be shared. One thing is the hierarchical superiority and assume other responsibilities that are not even single person. Constitutional and prosecutors wanted the difference between the two is clear. Assume the former, but they have rebelled against the second to truncate interference intended by the attorney general.

The uprising has come to realize the request for defense of a woman, Purification Lapeña, by continuing court to investigate the disappearance of his grandfather and uncle, buried without family consent in the Valley of the Fallen (Madrid) desestimientos. The third section of the Constitutional Court decided last November not to admit the petition for amparo proceedings and, in an unusual act, the prosecutor who tried the case, Manuel Miranda, filed an appeal against the decision, in which he argued the constitutional relevance of the application, as required by law so that these are admissible.

Also asked to give the answer to different legal responses courts even dictate " with arguments ".

The Torres- Dulce response was immediate and emphatic in demanding to withdraw Miranda would have allowed the appeal, if accepted, the Constitutional jurisprudence sit on the disappearances of reprisals during and after the Civil War and debated about the consequences of Amnesty Act of 1977 and historical memory. Following this decision, Miranda gave up and withdrew the appeal, although he could have invoked Article 27 of its statute. This points out the possibilities prosecutors respond to an "order or instruction which it considers contrary to the laws or for any other reason deemed inappropriate." In this case, proceed to the state attorney general, Miranda could have submitted a report on its claims that would have solved the Torres- Dulce own but after hearing the Board of the Chamber of Attorneys.

Despite this, the state attorney general tried to go further and, through a trade, unfair to an accused by prosecutors of constitutional court for allegedly failing to meet a standard issued by his predecessor, Innocent Conde- Pumpido, so that resources are supervised. However, this rule does not refer to actions against inadmisiones admissible, but on entering the substance of the cases, which was not met in this case.

Anger Torres- Dulce was such that, in addition, in the same office, he ordered that from then on, all the cases that come into the Constitution and that had to do with Franco or historical memory were supervised by a trusted person, the prosecutor Lieutenant Anselmo Sanchez Tembleque. And the order came the revolt.

Last week, prosecutors convened a meeting of the Constitutional and the state attorney general announced his support as president, according to sources from the prosecution. Although Torres- Dulce began the meeting with pitch and trying to impose their views, the fact is that the conclave ended up agreeing to the proposal of the board. Several prosecutors criticized its interference Attorney General and was reminded that the distribution rules to be issued by the own board of tax and that its powers are not to assign work, depending on the subject that deal, a prosecutor in concrete. Torres- Dulce finished recoiling in intent, but the issues pertaining to the historical memory will not be debated in the Constitutional.

 Tags: Constitutional, Dulce, Interference, prosecutors, Rebels, Torres


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