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Okay so there was only one non interference win last night so wat does that say about odds for people

1.Big Show interfered in the battle royal causing Kenndrick to technicaly win

2.MVP fair win a little bit of fightin dirty but thas just MVP

3.Mike Knox distracted Finlay by grabbing hornswaggle causing Shelton Benjamin to capitalize

4.HHH stopped Runjin Sing from interfering by knockin his @$$ out but then grabbed a chair and hit Khali in the Face

So does the Match Favor MVP and HHH more than others who might not deserve to be in the Championship scrambl?




  1. No it don't favor MVP and Triple H more than the other wrestlers.The people that cheated to win do not deserve to be in the scramble but that does not stop them from being in it.In my opinion The Undertaker deserved to be in the scramble but they didn't put him in.

  2. I don't see MVP getting the belt before Jeff, but, you never know. Jeff seems to have fallen out of favour.

    I'm tempted to say that no one's going over HHH in this, but it's too predictable. All of his opponents are well below main event status. Maybe this will be one of those one-night-only title flips where someone random gets it and loses it in the same night. After all, HHH wants to get that title count to 16.  

  3. Kenndrick is getting a push like crazy but the big show should of been in that match
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