
Interior today addresses the device to the statement of the Infanta

by  |  10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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The Director General of Police, Ignacio CosidÃ_, said Monday in an interview with Antena 3 that will " ensure the safety " of the Infanta Cristina when you go before the judge to testify as a entered on Castro Noos case, although not has stated whether it will have to walk down the hill to the entrance to the courts of Palma. "It will ensure the safety of the Infanta and all the people who go to their next appearance (...), and this prosecution will develop quite normally," he noted.

CosidÃ_ also announced that Monday will hold a meeting to design the device. "The device is perfectly designed and organized," he assured. In your opinion, is necessary to ensure an environment " maximum safety " because of the " great expectation " that has the declaration of the Infanta.

"There is no effect Gamonal "

On the other hand, has ruled that there is a Gamonal effect after protests in the Burgos area. " No Gamonal effect, it happens that there are certain groups who use any excuse to use violence," he opined CosidÃ_, then insist that such violence "requires action by the police."

For the director general of police, " is key " to reduce these violent groups, which, in his view, are " marginal" and do not represent the majority in Spain. In that vein, he emphasized the " democratic maturity " of Spain, although he has said has been " an increase in social unrest."

 Tags: addresses, device, Infanta, Interior, statement


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