
International Student Exchange Programme.?

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How does it works? I'm 15 from Malaysia. I wanna go on a homestay to US for 1 month or two. Are there any programme?




  1. The Rotary club.  I was an exchange student to Taiwan last year.  This is a chance of a lifetime.  If you have any interest in seriously doing this.  Go to this website and see if there is a rotary club near you!!!  There probably is.  If you have any can message me.  You can do a summer in the US or you can do a full year.  I did the full year.  I recommend the full year, i think just for the summer is too short.  Go to this website and check it out.  The Rotary Club is the most organized exchange program in the world.  Check it out.  IT'S WORTH IT!!!

  2. I, too, endorse Rotary.  They carefully monitor the host families and have a great support network for the students.

    Yes, I was a Rotary exchange student (20+ years ago), and it was one of the best things I've ever done in my life.

  3. Heii, i'm 16, and i'm at the moment an exchange student from  Switzerland to the US. So I heard a lot about Rotary, but here is the thing: Rotary just takes you under certain circumstances, if you are a member of the club, or if you need a scholarship. If your parents have a regular income, it will be hard to get to travel with Rotary. Rotary also takes just a few people, not all have the chance to make the exchange year. And yith Rotary you have to change host-family all 3 month. I think you need 3 month to make friends and to get used to a certain palce. It's hard to change always, you don't really fell at home anyplace. And I think with Rotary you can't go just a few month.

    I'm makin my exchange year with AFS. AFS is great. They provide you a lot of trips during the year, and you will meet a lot of other exchange students from all over the world. It's just a really goos experience, and you will never forget it. With AFS you have to go at least 3 month. But trust me, you won't regret it. Just take your time, and stay there a while.

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