
International Transfer?

by  |  earlier

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It looks like there is a chance that I may be offered the opportunity to transfer internationally. I am hopeful that someone will answer this question that has done something similar. I am interested in questions (that I may be missing) that I should ask before accepting something like this. First, the transfer location is most likely France. My first thoughts have to do with the specific position/roles/ whom I am reporting to/location/travel/compensation and title. Along with compensation, I also want to make sure that salary is paid in euros. Also important are things like vacation time, health club memberships, and other perks. A big concern is if I am under my US health coverage or if I would fall under the French universal health care system. Am also thinking about VISA requirements and whether or not mt wife could get something as well that would allow her to work over there as well. Besides the above, is there anything that I am missing. Thanks a lot for the help.




  1. gargle gargle

  2. I don't believe they'd pay in Euros, we're too cheap to do that for employees.

  3. The best and appropriate advice would be to consult it with someone from that company who has been or is working overseas.

    Regarding your health insurance, you should call that company and ask all your concerns.  I think your health insurance will cover you wherever you are as long as you do the premiums.

    It is up to the company to pay you in the currency of their choice.  Usually, they will pay employees in the local country's currency.  After all, they will be earning EUros in this case.

    Well, good luck in France, au revoir!

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