
International adoption is bad for America in general. Need sources to support theory.?

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Hello, I am writing a research essay on how international adoption is bad for America in general. My main points are related to the economy, population increases, and currency loss.

I am having some trouble finding book references. I have found a few internet ones. So, if anyone knows of good books, magazines, DVDs, anything would be helpful. Anything that supports my theory anyways. ;D

Thank you very much.




  1. i cant help you and would like to say that i am all for international adoption! we are all fortunate to live in this country with our rights and freedoms. i am saddened that there is evenon eunwanted child in america but the relaity is that at least in america, we do not encourage the killing and throwing away fo orphans just so we dont have to deal with them. i would adopt a foreign child before i would ever adopt american bc i know its the difference between life and death. there are countries that murder the baby girls, cant feed the children, have aids running rampant, put orphans into "dying rooms" to sit in teh dark and wait for death. i hate to compare it to this but if i were to go into a animal shelter, i wouldnt take the healthiest animal- i would take the one that needs me the most!

    thats my opinion. i dont see why you would have such a negative outlook on international adoption if you knew all these things.

    good luck on your paper though really.

  2. i believe it is bad for america..but america makes it hard for people who would be loving parents to adopt while over seas it seems so much easier.. atleast that the way i see it..

  3. Children in America are left without homes because of situations like my dd. We petioned the court several times in a SEVEN year period to adopt dd, a relatives child that we had custody of since birth. Her mom signed over parental rights early on but her father disappeared making it difficult to find him.

    The court allowed the case to flounder for years without giving dd permanence. This is not unlike the thousands of children that remain in foster care for extended periods of time because of a court system that is too sympathetic to the plight of the natural family and not the child.

    I call them LAY-A-WAY kids......we can put them on lay-a-way to the parents get their act together. In the mean time months and years pass....the children bond with friends, classmates, teachers and their caretakers. Then they are uprooted and sent back to parents to only be put back in foster care. This teaches children one VERY valuable lesson: "Do not learn to depnd on anyone."  And why should they when every adult in their life has let them down.

    The fostercare system takes perfectly adoptable 3, 4 and 5 year olds and turns them into bitter, angry and emotionally damaged 10, 11, and 12 year olds. Some of these kids choose not to be adopted because they just can't bare any more rejection. I know because I have spoken with several first hand. Imagine being so young and not having any hope.

    It is unrealistic for a young couple around 25 years old to adopt a 14 year old with emotional problems. There should be atleast a twenty year difference between child and adult.

    Most people are not capable of handling children with so many issues and I am glad they are not adopting out of "pity".

    Children need our love not pity.

    So there comes in International Adoption. Young couples are more like to adopt children under the age of five. These children are sparsely available in foster care.

    My recomendation is to interview some adults that aged out of the foster care system.....ask them how they feel when they hear American couples are adopting Internationally. Ask them how many years they were in the system and ask them how many placements they had. Ask them if they experienced abuse while in care. Ask them were they open to adoption as teens.

  4. or org... Either way it will give you the statistics on how many children are freed for adoption in the system just sitting in foster care or a group home. They also give statistics on how many kids leave the foster system at 18 yrs of age with no family to anyone.

  5. First of all, good luck with your research. Now, I just have to chime in. I am an adoptive parent. My daughter is adopted from Eastern Europe and joined our family nearly 12 years ago. We have never regretted that decision. However, we had a domestic adoption go horribly wrong and really took a toll on our family. My daughter faired much better in an orphanage that lacked basic necessities and basic caregiving than the young man we tried to adopt from our area. He had been quite abused by our foster care system. The child had witnessed things and had things done to him that nightmares are made of. These things happened right here in the U.S. He acted our terribly, was quite violent and scarred emotionally. The sexual abuse he had endured only led him to act out himself. He should never have been placed into our family or any other family with young children. He needed parents who could devote all of their time and energy to him and his case worker should have known that. Case workers are overwhelmed by work loads and usually aren't paid very well. In short, our foster care system is disastrous.

    Had we not had the opportunity to adopt internationally, we would never have been able to have more children. We wished to adopt an older, waiting child, rather than a baby and we feel we were better off overseas.

    Please consider these points when writing your paper. By the way, this was not written in anger...I just needed to share my story. Thanks.

  6. Well, if you would like to rework your theory and like to speak to people who have gone through the international adoption process, let me know.

    In the meantime, I can't see how my two younger children are bad for America, thank you.

  7. Your thesis is wrong and that is why you are finding trouble with references.

  8. The reason you are having a hard time is because you are wrong.  Children adopted internationally are typically adopted by mid to upper middle class families with enough resources to not strain the U.S. economy.  Social services are used at a far lesser rate than U.S. born children.   Population increases are minimal.  What currency loss?  The U.S. gives away millions of more dollars to these same countries daily.

    Write a new thesis statement and you will find more supporting documentation.

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