
International adoptive parents: Question...?

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Do you remember a packet that you had to keep and protect with your life and not open at all- but give to immigration upon entry into the USA when returning home with your child? What's in that envelope??? I've always wondered!




  1. Yes.  It's an immigration packet which has all of the documentation necessary for the children to immigrate to the US.

    The reason it's sealed is to prevent tampering, falsification of information, etc.

    You know, things to prevent child trafficking...

    ETA: Kazi, it's probably the same documentation that you came to Canada with, but the US wants it sealed at the consulate/embassy in-country and not opened before giving over to immigration upon arrival to the US.

  2. I do remember that packet. I was really tempted to steam it open or something, just because they told me not to! I'm perverse like that -- I like to touch wet paint also, lol.

    Anyway, did you know you can get those files? And it is free also! You just have to file form G884 with the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (formerly the BCIS, formerly the INS, who knows what else they've been calling themselves).

    The form itself is here:

    And some more information that might (or might not) help with filing it can be found here:

    I have not done this myself, but I have heard various things from others. Some have said they didn't get anything they didn't already have. Some got medical reports from before leaving the birth country, or other information they never knew about before. One got nothing special at first, but then several years later got another packet with some very interesting new information and pictures they did not have. For China I suspect much of the stuff on this list would be in there, and for Guatemala it would probably be somewhat similar:

    Actually, some people in this link discussed this for Guatemala. Scroll about halfway down:

    I say it is worth a shot! Let us know how it works out!

  3. That sounds odd.

    We didn't have to do that in Canada.

    We had her Visa and medical clearance and the final papers.

    You couldn't even peek?

    I'm intrigued.

    ETA: It does sound the same, but we did look. We were never told we couldn't. Your reasoning certainly makes sense though. Oops, I wonder if we weren't supposed to look. Immigration never said anything.

  4. probably a pay off, if it has to do with adoption.  truly.  a gov't payoff.

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