
International donor funds dilemna?

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(As simple as can be) Is there any justification to donees refusing to follow the mandate of the donor in terms of how the funds which are donated are to be used? The issue is, what abounds in most of the cases is that the donor is most likely to be from a developed country and their perceived need of what the developing country needs may not be as crucial as the needs which the donees perceive to be the needy areas.




  1. Donations must be spent properly and no subsequent will be sent as a condition.  Reports of the disbursements and pictures must be sent to the donor.

  2. No. Because for one simple reason: Corruption.  If a developed country doles out money for relied to a developing or under-developed country and leave it to it's leaders to decide where the allocation goes, of course they know where the need of the country lies but they also know that their mother needs a new house, sister needs a car and etc. Often times if unchecked, a lot of it will go to their pockets.

    I wouldn't worry whether if the funds go to other allocations, they are developed countries, they have studies before they give out the money, even before those countries even ask for assistance, especially the US, they know what should go to whom and to where. The embassies especially of the US and the UK, don't just process visas and travel requirements. A lot of agencies are housed there, USAID, the Department of Justice among other agencies. They know what they are doing better than those poor countries with poor logistics.

    Speaking from experience, you can't trust anyone with money especially in poor nations. No one is that saintly or stupid either.

    Another thing you have to worry about is "Donor fatigue" which essentially means, a lot of countries pledge but not all doles out the money. The fatigue starts when countries or organizations that do cough up the amount for donation, tend to get to be asked for additional donations for other causes and as usual a lot of the usual pledgers but not payers deliver, some have questioned, "Why only us?" and soon some give up donating or donate less than before.  

    In this case, poor countries where donations go unchecked, Donor fatigue is eminent because the money does not reach the intended receipients because a lot was pilfered by  officials. With that knowledge some countries might not give in to donations easily then.

  3. This is a sticky one.  A bit like not looking the gift horse in the mouth.  If the donee does not use the money as the donor wished, then the donor might not have donated the money in the first place.  An agent of sorts, who is familiar with the conditions in the needy country would be an answer.  Perhaps that is why some voluntary helpers move INTO the country and organise funds from there, ensuring that the money comes in, and that it is spent where it is needed.

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