
International trivia questions?

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I need to think of questions for a global-themed ice breaker game. Can you help me think of some?

Examples - How do you say "good morning" in Arabic, What is the tallest building in Hong Kong (Central Plaza), What is the subway system in London called (The Tube), Which country uses the currency called the "real" (Brazil), etc.




  1. Hello in Arabic is "Salaam Aleikum" (wishing peace to the other person) answered by "w'Aleikum Salaam" (right back atcha)

    Riyals are used in Saudi Arabia, so that could be tricky (Real sounds the same) if it's done verbally.

    What island is a city, a state and a nation of the same name? Singapore

    English recipes? toad in the hole, haggis, blood pudding, etc - match the ingredients to the title

    While we're on food - Tuktu is Caribou in Inuktituk, Aaluu is seal fat & blueberries.

  2. Which city sits on two continents - Istambul (Turkey)

    Where are the Parthenon and the Pantheon? - Parthenon (Athens, Greece) and Pantheon (Rome, Italy)

    Where is Georgia? - one of the United States and also a former Soviet Republic

    What European country does not have a navy? - Switzerland

    Which countries have flags that are not rectangular? - Switzerland, Nepal, Vatican City

    What South American capital's name means "I saw the mountain"? - Montevideo (Uruguay)

  3. Which are the most northerly, southerly, easterly and westerly states of the American Union?  Alaska is the most northerly and westerly. Hawaii is the most southerly and Maine the most easterly. (Alaska would also be the most easterly if the International Date Line did not take an artificial jig around the Aleutians.)

    Which American country names its currency after a bird? Guatemala - Quetzal.

    And here's a trick one. The first major golf tournament of the year is the Masters, played in Augusta.  Augusta is the capital of which state? Maine.

  4. What number is considered unlucky in Japan and why? 4.  The word for four is pronounced exactly the same as the word for "death"

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