
Internet Not Working Even When It Says I Am Connected?

by  |  earlier

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I have 3 operating laptops in my house a desktop that i dont use and a xbox 360 ethernet cord connection bridge on my wireless router. It just recently stoped working while it says i am connected but i cannot enter the internet it always says unavialible. My internet however does work sometimes still but out of no where it disconnects and i am left with no internet for a while and this is a problem

PLEASE anyone know anything about this please let me know thanks.




  1. make sure ur internet is enabled

  2. sounds like it's probably your router (my first guess)

    go to a command prompt and type ipconfig.  The default gateway address is the address of your router.  type ping and then the default gateway address (probably something like  so you'd type ping  If you get a response from that, that says reply from time-x*x that means the connection from your PC to the router is good.  Now try something like   ping

    if you get replies, your connection is good.  If you get some replies and some timeouts, either the router or your ISP is jacked, and if you get no reply, chances are the router is jacked.

    sometimes resetting them can help (power off, wait a few mins, power back on)

  3. First, have you been checking the stats on your Network settings?  You might want to ensure that you've run Repair, on the status window..

  4. call your isp and have them re-set your connection

    I am assuming you are using dsl

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