
Internet Question (Ethernet Cables)?

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Okay....So on one side of my house I have the typical dsl/router combo.......I have one long ethernet cable that goes from the router to my office (To my computer)....That will be fine until tomorrow (I'm buying an Xbox 360)......

So here's the question......

Is there a "splitter" that I can use to take the one line currently in the office and make 2 connections? Or will I have to unplug it every time I want to go on Xbox live? I have another space on the router but I don't want to run another cable......Wireless isn't an option either...I've tried it w/ a repeater and my office is in some sort of dead zone......

Thanks for all the help!




  1. You can use a network switch and can be bought fairly cheaply

    It is similar to look at to a cable router bit it does not issue ip addresses the initial router does that.

    Heres a link to help you understand better.

  2. switch or a hub.  unless you live in a castle, wireless signal should permeate the avg house.  it allows for more versatility to move about with the laptop...

  3. its called a network switch and can be bought fairly cheaply

    it is similar to look at to a cable router bit it does not issue  ip addresses the initial router does that

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