
Internet channel on the wii

by  |  earlier

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you see the bar at the bottom when you go into wii internet channel can you make it go away




  1. yeah i think you click the plus or negative button. i haven't used the internet channel in awhile so i don't remember. ot maybe it was ether 1 or 2 you click.

  2. u have internet on a wii?! cool, i've been saving up  4 1 anyway!!!

  3. yes you can press the 1 button. but you can't on the main menu you have to search or type a web address then press it

  4. I don't think you can

  5. no

  6. yes when the wii intrnet starts up click settings and then look for a box to select which says toggle  select it  and then apply settings by clicking ok then press 1 to make the bar come and go

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