
Internet command line question

by  |  earlier

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Okay. This really techy guy i know was showing me a video on his mac and everytime we started watching he would go into a command prompt type thing and enter a command for his computer to listen to and watch what the data stream that was coming in from the internet. I'm not sure what the command was, and i was wondering if there is any command like this for windows. If you could give me the command or give me the link to a site that will telll me how to do it.




  1. You should ask him what program he was using. If he was using bash (the command line on many UNIX-style systems like modern Macs) to play a video, it was likely a free software program (ever heard of open source? not always the same thing, but can be). Then you can find the website to see if they have a windows version (which may or may not have a GUI so that you don't need to deal with DOS prompts).

  2. on a pc it is     netstat

    perhaps it is the same on the mac.

    it will show which ports are being used.

    netstat -a      

    shows ports in both directions.

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