
Internet con woman, lurking to scam more man out of love and money.?

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My brother had an online affair with an online Filipino p**n girl who claimed to be in love with him and lured him to Yahoo. She talked him into wiring tons of money to the Philippines claiming she suffered hardship. It turned out to be nothing but scams and lies. She has been reported to Yahoo but nothing has been done. She still has the same Yahoo ID. Why can't Yahoo shut her down? He is not her only victim, she is still active and luring as many man as she can. Can the Philippino policy / authority do anything about scammer? I don't understand...




  1. My Lord ! Anyone that lonely and naive to fall victim.Lord have mercy !

    Some crimes are of a "should have known better"basis and can't be prosecuted.

  2. People still fall for that c**p. If someone is dumb enough to become a victim, than they deserve to be victims.  

  3. some dudes are really dumb thats the real problem.  

  4. It's not funny to get scammed.  It's happened to us 3 times.  You should first of all never trust anyone on the internet with saying the truth.  We were scammed by magazine sales men.  Once when we were pretty poor and jut recently.  Both did the exact same thing saying they were selling for tuition for college.  The only difference was there was a 10 year gap between the times we were scammed and in two different states.  I told my husband not to buy from him but he decided to trust him anyway.  I knew it was a scam.  The young man got mad when I came out and told him no to the 3 magazines my husband was going to order and changed it to one and if that showed up we would then  buy more.  Guess what? It never did.  Now he's learned his lesson.  Never buy door to door sales.  Unless you know them personally like neighbors.  We only buy or donate to our kids schools and order from them.  Never believe someone is selling magazines it's a huge scam!  Phone sales too. Never give your address or phone number out on the phone to someone you don't know. Seriously a computer calls you they don't know your number until you give it. Sometimes giving your number can give them a lot of information about you. On google type your phone number in! if you don't opt out it will give your full address! Sorry so long, I just hate people that lie, cheat and steel.

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