
Internet connection? If I have a desktop, is it better to have an ethernet connection to the

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If I have a desktop, is it better to have an ethernet connection to the internet or a wireless (I have the equipment for both). What are the pros and cons?




  1. Depending on your router.. Wired Connections barely loose packets unlike wireless they loose packets and have to resend them, therefore, making it a longer action to perform. Now if you have a GigaBit Router definitely go with the wired connection much faster in speed with a right connection Cat6 i believe runs at those speeds. Now if your router is lets say 802.11n then go with the wireless if you have a card that runs above 100Mbps this is the standard Cat5 speed. so anything wireless that runs above 100Mbps is probably going to be faster but you are going to loose packets in the process. So doing the math it all depends on the equipment you have and how fast it runs.

  2. Wired is more reliable, less subject to hacking, less problematic to configure, and is faster.

    Wireless does not require as much wiring provided the facility can use wireless without interference.

    My preference is to run the wires and enjoy the higher stability.

  3. with a desktop if you have easy access to ethernat do that. it's faster than wireless. Only reason you would use wireless in this case is if you are far away from the router and it's inconvenient to run the wire from the router to your computer. With a laptop usually go wireless so you can move around. With desktops I don't think your going to be carrying it around much ;)

  4. wireless is better for laptops which is portable and for desktop i think Ethernet is better

  5. For a desktop computer I would always recommend the traditional wired connection. The reason is simple: By using wireless signals everything that you transmit to and receive from the internet is sent through the air. It is easy to intercept and decrypt wireless traffic. And why should you expose yourself to an unnecessary risk factor if you are not moving your computer around anyway and there is no reason against having just one more wire attached to it?

  6. Technically, a cabled network is faster than a wireless network (you can move data at 100Mbps and faster with a cabled network vs. a wireless network that moves data at speeds less than 58 Mbps).

    However, most broadband Internet providers (such as the cable company) only provide download speeds of  8 Mbps or 10 Mbps.  So for internet connections, it doesn't matter whether you use wireless or the ethernet cable.

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