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ok so my bro just got his ps3 but in order to have online play he has to hook up the ethernet chord. we have an outlet for an internet chord but when we try to stick the ethernet chord in there its too big. is there any way to get like a converter so that it will fit in the internet socket???




  1. Don't confuse a telefone adapter R11 with any ethernet adapter R45, they are complety diferents the last one is bigger + have 9 wires and the fisrt one only 4, i am guesing by you arrangement but if you have a DSL modem, you conecct yo telefone wire there,then you conecct the ehternet cable from the modem to your PC ethernet card, if you need to conect more devices you need a router with 4 ehternet devices and it setup like this,the phone line conect to the modem, this conect to the router, and this conecct to the PC.

You're reading: Internet/ethernet????

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