
Internet fraud? please read

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So I decided to sell my old golf clubs on Craigslist. I posted it on my state's page and about an hour later, I got an e-mail from someone who was highly interested in buying them. He told me to give him my address and phone number, and since I have always done something like this on Craigslist, I gave him my information. Then he said he will write me a check asap and mail to me (oh and he gave me his info in return...?). I was checking my e-mail last night and he told me that his secretary made a mistake and sent me a wrong check, which was supposed to go to his other 'client' (i sold my golf clubs for $200 and he says his secretary sent me a $2500 check by 'accident'). he apologized and said when the check arrives, i can cash the $2500 out and keep $300 - $200 for the clubs, and $100 for making me run around and do all that. and asked me to give him the remainder IN CASH ($2200) when someone comes here to pick up the clubs (OH i forgot to mention. he lives in florida, and i don't. i live in dc area).

now i'm getting really suspicious. how can someone from florida look at dc's craigslist (it was about an hour after i posted it) and ask me if he could buy my clubs, and ask me to cash out the check, when he could just write me a check to my bank account? and plus, his "secretary" made a very weird mistake - i'm sure most secretaries are smart enough to set those straight. but honestly, why is he asking me to give him cash in return? i'm just assuming that he's using someone else's check and since he is in need of some moolah, he's using me as a target to do those for him.

he says the check should be here via ups in 1-2 days. when the check comes here, i'm checking the address on the check with the one he gave me, and i'm going to ask him if my bank could write out a check ($2200 - aka the remainder) for the address that is written on the check. what do you guys think? do you think this guy is suspicious?




  1. Sounds like a scam. It ussually works like this. They give you a check, ask for $ back. Their check bounces and you are out the bounce fee and the $. Anyone can view any state's Craigslist. I would call the cops and alert them it may be a scam. If it turns out to be a scam, alert the local FBI office also. I had one that went so far as to create a fake shipping website to show the package had been shipped. Once they made the "Good Faith" gesture of shipping the package, I was to send them the money. No such company existed.  

  2. its a scam.  rip the check up and tell him to stfu.  

    for future reference anytime anyone wants you to send the remainder back.  its a scam

    and since you are using craigslist you should post that you will not ship the item so do not bother asking

  3. When letter with check arrives refuse to accept and return to sender.

  4. Yes, it's definitely a scam. The check is likely a forgery albeit a very "good" one. If the bank clears it and you send him most of the money, then when the bank people discover that the check is worthless you'll be liable to cover their losses. There are a lot of similar scams around and many people lose out because of them. This is one method that some criminal groups use to launder their money obtained from drug deals, human trafficking and other similar activities, or the funds they've stolen via identity theft/phishing scams.

    I wouldn't recommend you rip up the check. The person who sent it to you is trying to swindle you (and your bank) and his actions are therefore criminal. I'd suggest you contact someone in law enforcement and hand over the check to them, plus copies of any messages he has sent you. In that way, they have some hard evidence, you are in the clear, and he is more likely to get busted. This way, you'll stop other people from suffering the same fate. They won't all be as insightful or suspicious about such things as yourself and some of them could get badly burned.

    It might be worth reporting him to Craigslist as well. Believe me, if this person were legit he'd do the right thing and tell you not to bank the check and then send you one for the correct amount.  

  5. Very much so. Quite honestly the check will look very real. It will have watermarks on it and everything - even made out to you. Problem is - it is a fake. You can call the bank and ask for the information for that check you hold. DO NOT cash the check! If you do it will come back to you because you as a person actually exist and it's your signature is on the back of the check. You will be responsible for repaying the bank. It's called a Nigerian Check Scam.

    Here's another example

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