
Internet hackers, please help!?

by  |  earlier

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iv come to use my pc today and iv 733 viruses on it. loads of spyware etc etc. so i no who it is. because he has admitted before he used everyone elses wireless networks in teh area. iv rung bt to sort it, but no one speaks english, so they dont understand anything im saying. so they havent helped me. i need to no what to do. im not a pc wiz kid, so i havent a clue. is it safe for me to buy a protection think like norton over the internet, will this person see my details when i enter to buy it? has this person had access to all my details? what do i do? what about my banking? will theu have all my details?

not only that, but there was a pen in the washing amchine and all my washing is ruined. im having such a bad day, i need some help, sob sob sob




  1. You haven't been hacked. For you to have that amount on your computer I would say you have been running around the Internet with no AV. Either that the one you have is totally inadequate or it's out of date. That is going to be a massive clean up.

    The only solution to that is to completely reinstall your OS as a clean install.

  2. hey hey hey format it evrything is gone then

  3. Go back a step in technology and use a hard wire modem feed  reformat your drive and change all your passwords.Load a free virus prgramme like Avast, AVG, or Windows defender.Just type free anti virus download in Google there are easy safe links.

  4. ok relax and don't buy the antivirus product online go to a shop and buy it . next if you have any important files or details transfer them to your memory stick and delete them in your comp and also try to get CCleaner disk. then try free trogan scanner online and if you can't buy it now then download free spyware doctor now! it helped me a lot! good luck! if you know who it is then i think you should report it to the police!

  5. Phone the police and tell all the proof you have.

    You can download Windows defender or norton antivirus to protect you.

    If you are really afraid, contact your bank and the official regystry i your district. Do not use your pc before it is cotrolled by a pc- expert


  6. you havent been hacked if theyve just been using your wireless or internet from outside your house, although its wrong its not illegal, only if they went onto your accounts or something personal, or spent your money without your permission. if they did hack however you can report it to the police.

    even if they didnt hack you should still talk to them and warn them or pretend you are taking action!

    id reset your computer or, get the person to buy you a new one!!

  7. I recommend, reinstall windows... full format HDD...  ;)

  8. if u no who da hacker is u can report them to the police i think

  9. Your machine is compromised, you can't trust it until it is sorted out.

    Don't use it to send any personal data.

    Any personal data stored on it might have been lifted already.

    With an infection on that scale, I'd be tempted to just wipe the hard disk and reinstall Windows from scratch (using a SP2 or SP3 install disk, anything earlier will likely result in the machine being infected again before you have time to install security updates from the Internet.

  10. Just go to my profile and click the link for btexpress.(located under my pic of the dog) They will help with almost any computer problems. They are a company that I trusted to fix my computer. They did I happy I went with them. I just you have great service like I did so go to them.

  11. you should have had a firewall in place and antivirus software before you went anywhere near the only have your self to blame for not educating your self on the use of the internet.

    now go here and get it cleaned out.

    do a Full Service Scan.

    just click on the link below...

    and then come back here and get advice on internet security or you can Email me and i will help you out ...

  12. Reinstalling the operating system is another approach to virus removal. It involves simply reformatting the OS partition and installing the OS from its original media, or imaging the partition with a clean backup image.

    I'm not a Hacker, Someone is !!!!

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