
Internet is the course of moral decay in our society. agree or disagree? reasons?

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Internet is the course of moral decay in our society. agree or disagree? reasons?




  1. disagree, people have not changed because of the internet, they have access to alot more now, b4 the internet looking for friends and relationships only happened in the city you live in, now you can meet people everywhere, and yes people look at p**n on the internet, but the internet was not the birth of p**n it is merely another place to access it. Is this yahoo website moral decay, this is part of the internet, in everything there is good and bad.

    is a car a weapon, yes it can kill when in the wrong hands but it wasnt built for killing so therefore it is not a weapon.

    same with guns built for a totally diff purpose than what they are currantly used.

    there is good and bad in this world and the bad always out weighs the good. not it is not a decay, people just have access to more things weather it be p**n or family websites to keep in touch with your grandma in another state. its your personal choice. ones persons choice should not affect a whole culture, just like you are not resposible for your brothers choices

    your question is a falicy (or however you spell it) people get addicted to p**n on the internet making  the internet a place to access p**n therefore the internet is moral decay

  2. moral decay is almost purely an economic issue.

    if it is economically advantageous to behave immorally, people will do so.  The Internet makes it more economically feasible to run scams and other sorts of immoral behavior, but also it allows free exchange of information, which is a moral good.  restricting information is the worst thing you can do for morality, as it allows you to hide immoral behavior.  For this reason, you can see that morals are actually improving, as in the past, people could engage in all sorts of heinous acts and get away with it, because it was hushed up.  It may appear that people were more virtuous on the surface, but historical documents show otherwise.

  3. Internet is no more the course or cause of moral decay than buying a Ford or eating at Hooters. The Internet does make more things more easily available, including things that are not moral, but it is the people that are immoral to start with. Moral decay occurs because people do not teach moral in their homes to their children and would rather allow MTV and other things teach it for them. When that happens and our youth gets their moral education from such things (including the Internet) then we have lost our morals. To blame it on the Internet though, is not the answer. Parents accepting responsibility for the moral education of their children is the answer.

  4. Agree.. it's not just internet, but the internet leads to p**n addictions, which tons of people have, which leads to the collapse of a healthy s*x life.

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