
Internet marketing:?

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is all targeted traffic the same? best way to get traffic? email marketing ? opinons on all would nbe appreciated. thank you




  1. There are actually a lot of ways to get traffic to your site. If your marketing a product...I recommend you use a couple places right off the bat. Usfreeads, and Kijiji...

    I would buy a $9.99 or $9.95 a month...forget which it from Usfreeads...I would start out posting a couple ads...and then continually over the next 7 days post 3 to 4 ads a day on there. Just rewording everything...YOU WILL BE AMAZED at the traffic you long as the site you are sending them too is worth their time.

  2. I think this is what you are looking for (sort of?) I run a small business myself selling mainly through my online store. I have recently struck a deal on and I have already increased my traffic by a huge amount.

    Check out

    A recently launched website which brings advertisers, businesses, organisations and individuals with anyone with a social networking page, videos, blogs and website to trade, sponsor, swap and negotiate their own deals for embedding adverts,URLs and more. If you are a business, it can be a great way to reach a mass audience whilst on a really tight budget, you can even offer free products to the person you work with if you are low on funds.

    It's completely free to register so its worth a look.

    Good luck

  3. NedHelp

    I chose to email on this topic for the following reason...

    The answers you receive to this type of question is often kind of spammy and I don't want my answers to appear this way, you know a reputation kind of thing,

    Here is what I invite you to do, Go to'... JOIN IT... Just Look.

    If you think it can benefit you, contact me direct....

    I don't care if you have a program or website that your already promoting or not....

    I will not ask you to buy anything, Join anything, Nothing....

    I have worked out a deal with the guy thats owns it, He has allowed me to Sponsor people, I will personally sponsor you for one year, But You must Call me so I can set it up.

    Heres the last thing....The Catch...Always a catch, Huh.

    If you like it and your not marketing anything in particular ask me what I do and if its for you, Join, If not, Enjoy and Learn for one full year on me


  4. Hi,

    Targeted traffic is just that. It is targeted at your niche.  So the answer to that is targeted traffic is the same, but as far as if you are selling of just want traffic, then it is not the same.  There is traffic with their wallets open ready to buy, then there is traffic just looking for information.  You need to offer the both.  If you have important information and can offer something to people that visit your site, they will be more likely to purchase something from you.  You have to gain trust from people and give them good solid information they need.  Something they can use, and then they might become your customer.

    There is not best way to get traffic. There is many different ways to get traffic.  Traffic is not what you want.  Think of them as people first, not traffic.  Solve problems and give solutions to people that visit your site.  Gain their trust and speak to them as if you are talking just to them, one on one, then they will listen to you.

    I believe a good way to get visitors to your site is to go to forums in your niche.  Get involved in the conversations. Another is to write articles and publish them.  Write what you know about and if what you say interests them they will visit your site.  There is also JV partnerships.  Find sites that you have similar niches with and get a hold of the owner and work out something like putting links to each others sites, or email promo’s for each other.  Give them a good reason for them promoting your site.  Offer something like promoting their site in your emails and a link.  They need to know what is in it for them and if you are just building your list and they have a large one, then your offer should be very very generous.  There are many ebooks on this subject.

    I suggest you research and educate yourself on just one way at a time and get good at one at a time.  Marketing is not something that your want to be a jack of all trades, master at none.  Good luck to you.  Mike

  5. Hi,

    Nope not all targeted traffic are the same, email marketing will generate some traffic, but there is a cache in it , if you over use it, people might think your campaign is some kind of spam.

    Adsense marketing will generate some unique visitors to your site, but you have to spend money on that!
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