
Internet marriage, help?

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I met this girl online about 3 years ago, and we are wanting to somehow get married over the internet (since we cannot move in with each other for another year) We are not looking for anything legal, we will have a real marriage after we meet. Is there any binding/marriage ceremony we can do until we meet? We both are wiccan, so we want to do something that will bind us together forever. Thanks!




  1. are you a girl

  2. maybe this will help you

  3. There's nothing that can be officially done. Just get another friend to have a mock marraige for you. Better yet, don't associate "marraige" with it just yet. Make it a promise ceremony, promising that you will both stay faithful until you can move in with each other.

    BTW, don't get married immediately. Live together for a few years first. People are WAY different in real life than they are on the internet & 1-3 months together here & there is in no way indicative of how they will be when you are actually together.

  4. If you're not looking to do anything in terms of a "legal marriage" it doesn't mean anything. It's going to be the same as telling her "I want to be with you forever." It's only a promise, nothing else. True marriage is where a legal bind is there. What you're speaking of isn't binding beyond the promise of the other person.

  5. cut each others wrists and mix the blood, then you both have to eat it, but don't bandage it, you must bleed to death for the cerimony to work. when your done I'll feel better knowing another stupid religeion did something idiotic to prove there devotion. NICHOLASE CAGE JUST DROPPED A FEW NOTCHES AFTER DOING THE WICKERMAN

  6. Personal confirmation is better to avoid desperation in future .

  7. I would highly doubt there is anything available for a binding marriage/ ceremony over the internet.  Google it up and see..........

  8. marriage that 2 on INTERNET????? man when u r going to get married aftr an year according to ur details so y r u tyng each other in this relationship of NET MARRIAGE.  luving each other is fine and wait for an year than by ur parents consent get married.

  9. that is just childish. At the end of day you are just sitting at your computer by yourself. If it was a real relationship, you would be with each other in person.

    You dont know this person in full, and i know because i met my boyfriend on line about 3 years ago, we met 2 years ago and after we met i started to learn new things before that i didnt know when i was just talking to him online.

    thats when our real relationship started. When we met.  

  10. wouldnt it be best just to be patient and wait for another year?

    probably not the answer you wanted but anything else just doesnt make sense!

  11. NO, JUST‌ NO, i have bad experience about marriage in internet

  12. Good Grief

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