
Internet network security problem

by Guest45508  |  earlier

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I have a problem with the security of my internet account. My account has not yet set up any defence to stop people accessing into my account, probably because of that reason, my internet speed slows down because of sharing the network with them. What should I do?




  1. Like the other person said, if you have a wireless router you can put an encryption code in so that others can not ride the waves of your router, but no matter what they can not get into your account as all accounts are password protected. You internet speed is slowing down could come from a number of things including (spyware, to many large files as you might need to defrag your computer, you might need more memory, GB, etc.) I could go on an on. To make a long story short, If you have your windows firewall On and up-to-date, your antivirus program up-to-date and run a full system scan at least oce a week, a good spyware program installed then you should be good to go. Now if you still feel unsecure because of your wireless router talk with a store teck. (BestBuy, Circuit City, etc.) to find out what steps that you need to take to protect your router ok. Good Luck and stop worrying.

  2. If you have a wired connection, nobody can share it unless you physically connect them to your router. If it is a wireless router, your account will not do anything for you. You will need to set up wireless encryption on it.

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