
Internet wireless question?

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My house has Wireless. My Brothers laptop and my Dad's laptop both can connect to it no drama's, mine used to connect but its dropped out now so i have to use my dad's laptop. I've asked people about it, they all say disconnect and reconnect the modem, or repair it from the wireless thingy. But the prblem i'm having is that it wont renew the IP address, and it has full bar's of connection but it says limited or no connectivity? Help Plz?




  1. Check that the wireless is not turned off. This is often controlled by a tiny slide switch on the case and very easy to knock when moving the machine. Many laptops use it to turn off the transmission only, not receiving, so it appears to be still working. If it is on, use the wireless card's connection program to delete the existing profile, search for your router, and re-set the encryption code before connecting..

  2. In your network preferences your computer may have saved a profile for the router.  If the IP address then changed your computer could still be trying to attach itself to the old IP address.

    It would help us walk you through some trouble shooting if you let us know what system you're running.

    Also, I was having a very similar issue with my Belkin router.  Either my router or my computer didn't like the security protocol that I was using.  When I first set it up it was all just fine.  It was only after about a month that one or the other decided to stop cooperating.  I would get the "connected" but I had limited connection and no net.  I would have to switch off my wireless card and turn it back on to reconnect 5 or 6 times for it to get internet connectivity.  So you may want to switch to a different security protocol and see if that works.  Remember to have everyone who's wireless switch or they won't be able to connect.

  3. unplugged all wires to refresh it. also it depends on your router. my router is linksys.. i go to  to refresh and renew ip address.

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