
Interning in big company vs. small company?

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Hello. I am a college undergrad and I am looking into internships. I have two choices:

1. Interning under a big media company (nationally big name in TV network) with no pay

2. Interning under a small media company with pay

I am not sure how much experience and training they are going to provide. For the small company, definitely lots of hands-on experience because they are pretty new and tight. I am going to the big company some time today for an interview. If you were I, which one would you pick?

Big Company


- big name

- might open more doors for future jobs

- more professional help and experience

- more exposure in the business


- location is kinda far

- no pay

Small Company


- good one-on-one training

- variety in job responsibilities

- paid

- very close to my home


- relatively new

- not a big name




  1. In my opinion, you should also take your character into consideration. If you would like to work in a big company or in a small one? What you would like to seek? What you are caring about? Hey, I think you can ask suggestions from hiring managers or recruiters. I have a place for you:, where you can chat with them directly. I hope they can help you out.  

  2. I think you will just have to wait and see the feel of the big company.  If you get the feeling that you will be doing hands on stuff there too then take that one.  Even though its unpaid if its a bigger name it'll look better on your resume.  However if you feel like you're going to end up just getting people coffee and things like that then take the other one.  If you are doing more hands on stuff at the smaller company that in the long run will look better on your resume than not getting much experience at the bigger one.  Don't just take the smaller company one because it's close to home.  You'll grow and learn so much if you take chances.  It would be nice if it was paid.  You'll just have to decide.    

  3. It's a no-brainer.

    Go with the BIG company...............

    Remember - you are laying the foundation of your career path.  Having a big company will do MORE for your resume than the small company.

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