
Internment camps in the United States - what does this all mean to you?

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I have been reading a lot lately on the systematic construction of interment camps all across the states. Some underground as part of the black ops building programme of the last 20 years and many above ground, some new and some utilising old buildings and yards

This all seems to have been done on the quiet and no mass media coverage has been allowed. I am aware of a film made by an independant journalist who recorded these centres but every News betwork he went to after initially saying they would show it then turned tail and refused to air it.

HAs it ever been aired to this day? Are the general populous aware of this sinister development along with the enormous increase in police numbers expected. I hear it has trebled in the last 10 years and is planned to double again. Why do they need over 2 million police all of a sudden?

What does this all say to you?




  1. It means nothing to me.

  2. Yup.....I saw "Bad Day at Black Rock".

  3. Martial Law is as simple as it gets...A lot of those police and military will be foregners and convicts as the number grows...go to infowars. com or prison planet .com, Alex Jones covered this subject many times in depth...he is my number on man for the TRUTH. good luck on your quest for truth....

  4. If there were a SHRED of truth to this, the liberal media would be all over it like white on rice!!! Whoooooo, here they come!!!!!!

  5. You've seen Men in Black, where do you think they're going to keep all those intergalactic aliens?

    But seriously, try to keep the paranoia to a manageable level.

    Do you seriously believe that 1 police officer to every 200 people is a cause for concern? Other than increasing your taxes to pay for them.

  6. it means sales to the gullible and paranoid are recession-proof....

  7. when are the people going to wake up,

  8. It doesn't mean anything.  They are for national disasters and a mass influx of immigrants.  That's it.

  9. It means!America is doing the rest of the worlds 'dirty work'!!

  10. That you listen to Coast to Coast AM and Alex Jones a little too much?

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