
Internship gift????

by  |  earlier

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I recently finished an internship for a studio and I was wondering what you guys thought might be a good gift. I've wracked my brain and I'm not sure. A little about this person, he's a photographer, loves the outdoors (boating, running, biking), is pretty much a laid back family kind of guy.

I obviously can't afford anything too outrageously priced but I can spend about $60.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.




  1. Food would be great. I interned at a radio station where I was sent to get food every day and I never thought of giving a gift but if I find the ambition to wake up at 5 (when its 5am right now) I do plan on going to the station and bringing them all dunkin' donuts as they were always buying me food and getting the same thing every day i still remember everything they wanted.

    But as for photography, I'm an enthusiast and I do know it gets expensive. Maybe a neckstrap if he uses one. Cameras are heavy I love my padded neckstrap.

  2. no no no.... write a lovely thank you note for the opportunity.  If a gift is to be given, they give one to you

  3. Agree with the earlier answerer -- do a very professional thank you note.  This person is a future job contact.  If you want to do something nice, take him out to lunch, and use the opportunity to let him know that he was a great mentor and that you learned a lot from him.  Pick his brain about how to land your first real job in the industry.  I would be honored if a former intern did this for me.
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